After years of not doing any Povray tracing, it's been fun re-learning things to
get my Povray-fu back. Here's an Arc-ball created in Structure Synth as an .obj,
converted to .stl with MeshLab and then to a mesh2 .inc file with Roland Smith's script. It's pretty straightforward. A point light with a looks_like
directive attached to a sphere lights up the inside of the Arc-ball. A glass
texture is applied to the Arc-ball with a touch of emission. As Structure Synth
creates objects from geometric primitives, you can see the joints between the
boxes. The background is a simple sky-sphere with a bozo texture and grey
color_map. I dropped a little fog in the background as well to soften the bozo
pattern a bit more. A little ambient lights it all up. It won't win any IRTC
contest but it was fun to create. Cheers.
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