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Howdy folks,
A little project I've been messing around with. A Bristolbrot4D fractal exported
as a .ply file from Mandelbulber, converted to an .stl with MeshLab then
converted to a mesh2 .inc file with a custom Python script, stl2pov by Roland
This is more of a "proof of concept" rendering and needs more tweaking to be
sure. The lighting is a simple 5x5 area light in white. A green and a red point
light added to give it some interest. Minimal anti-aliasing at this point.
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Sounds like a lot of work.
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"The Traveler" <jho### [at] northrim net> wrote:
> Howdy folks,
> A little project I've been messing around with. A Bristolbrot4D fractal exported
> as a .ply file from Mandelbulber, converted to an .stl with MeshLab then
> converted to a mesh2 .inc file with a custom Python script, stl2pov by Roland
> Smith.
glad you found a way. in case you don't mind running two utils, another option
would be:
$ stl2gts < object.stl | gts2pov > object.inc
stl2gts <https://news.povray.org/web.5e75678e7c21754451952ca0%40news.povray.org>
sample shown here:
your image reminded me of a HANS, a perspective thing I guess. :-)
regards, jr.
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Thanks guys. It was very gratifying to get the initial rendering done.
Ton, work? Perish the thought. I'm retired. The process is essentially click,
click, click, render.
jr, thanks for the link and program. One can never have enough tools in the box.
I remember seeing GTS some time ago when I was more active in 3D work and I'd
quite forgotten about it.
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From: Paolo Gibellini
Subject: Re: Mandlebulber fractal exprted, converted and rendered.
Date: 3 Oct 2021 16:01:21
Message: <615a0c11$1@news.povray.org>
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Il 01/10/2021 04:55, The Traveler ha scritto:
> Howdy folks,
> A little project I've been messing around with. A Bristolbrot4D
fractal exported
> as a .ply file from Mandelbulber, converted to an .stl with MeshLab then
> converted to a mesh2 .inc file with a custom Python script, stl2pov
by Roland
> Smith.
> This is more of a "proof of concept" rendering and needs more
tweaking to be
> sure. The lighting is a simple 5x5 area light in white. A green and a
red point
> light added to give it some interest. Minimal anti-aliasing at this
> Cheers.
A somewhat organic result, interesting.
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