"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> So the effect even works in POV-ray; fascinating.
> For your shield, are the 'lenticular lens' shapes made with real geometry, or by
> using normals on a smooth curved surface?
I used a CSG difference so there wouldn't be any internal or coincident
surfaces. I don't know if that would have made a difference or not.
#local ShieldRadius = 1;
#local Thickness = .03;
#local Angle = 60;
#local LensRadius = .002;
#local ShieldCutout = object {
#local R0 = ShieldRadius - LensRadius;
#local DeltaTheta = degrees (asin ((LensRadius / 2) / R0)) * 4;
difference {
cylinder {<0, -.1, 0>, <0, 1.1, 0>, ShieldRadius + .2}
cylinder {<0, -.2, 0>, <0, 1.2, 0>, R0}
#for (Theta, 180 + Angle, 360 - Angle, DeltaTheta)
cylinder {<R0, -.2, 0>, <R0, 1.2, 0>, LensRadius rotate -Theta * y}
#end //#for
} //difference
} //object
#local Shield = object {
intersection {
difference {
cylinder {<0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, ShieldRadius + .1}
cylinder {<0, -.1, 0>, <0, 1.1, 0>, ShieldRadius - Thickness}
object {ShieldCutout}
} //difference
plane {z, 0 rotate Angle * y}
plane {z, 0 rotate -Angle * y}
} //intersection
material {Glass}
photons {target reflection on refraction on collect off}
} //object
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