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#declare campos = <0,80,-250>;
#declare cameye = vnormalize(<20,12,0>-campos);
#declare camup = <0,1,0>;
#declare camright = vnormalize(vcross(camup,cameye));
#declare camup = vnormalize(vcross(cameye,camright));
#declare FontSize = _clamp(1.7,0.1,2);
#declare camang = 40;
camera {
location campos
right camright
up camup *(image_height/image_width)
direction cameye*(image_height/image_width)
angle camang
#macro label(Text,objv,r,col)
#local vl = vlength(objv-campos)/88;
#local pnt = camup*((r*.95)+vl*FontSize)+objv;
#local eye = vnormalize(pnt-campos);
object {
text {
ttf "Arial.ttf" Text 2 0
texture { pigment { rgb col } finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } }
translate x*(strlen(Text)*-0.28)
scale <vl*FontSize,vl*FontSize,vl*FontSize>
label("HELLO 162",<60,24,80>,48,<0.0196, 0.0196, 0.2156>)
label("Here are 492",y* 29.9,24*.8,<0.30196, 0.0196, 0.2156>)
so u can likely tweak to get the result
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reminder, popmatrix() is Matrix_Trans(A, B, C, D) in POV.
translations are easier when u stick to same name funcs.
limited RAM upstairs.
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oh right, now I remember. for bottom text, consider font height.
#macro label(Text,objv,r,col,top)
#local vl = vlength(objv-campos)/88;
#if (top)
#local pnt = camup*(r*1.05)+objv;
#local pnt = -camup*(vl*FontSize+r)+objv;
#local eye = vnormalize(pnt-campos);
object {
text {
ttf "Arial.ttf" Text 2 0
texture { pigment { rgb col } finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } }
translate x*(strlen(Text)*-0.25)
scale <vl*FontSize,vl*FontSize,vl*FontSize>
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and finally, start with
#declare camup = <-1,1,0>;
text is transformed, and its normal points at camera.
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remove redundant,
add scale to text centering. done.
#declare campos = <0,80,-250>;
#declare cameye = vnormalize(<20,12,0>-campos);
#declare camup = <-1,1,0>;
#declare camright = vnormalize(vcross(camup,cameye));
#declare camup = vnormalize(vcross(cameye,camright));
#declare FontSize = _clamp(1.7,0.1,2);
#declare camang = 40;
camera {
location campos
right camright
up camup *(image_height/image_width)
direction cameye*(image_height/image_width)
angle camang
#include "transforms.inc"
#macro label(Text,objv,r,col,top)
#local vl = vlength(objv-campos)/88;
#if (top)
#local pnt = camup*(r*1.05)+objv;
#local pnt = -camup*(vl*FontSize+r)+objv;
#local eye = vnormalize(pnt-campos);
object {
text {
ttf "Arial.ttf" Text 2 0
texture { pigment { rgb col } finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } }
translate x*(strlen(Text)*-0.15*FontSize)
scale vl*FontSize
label("HELLO 162",<60,24,80>,48,<0.0196, 0.0196, 0.2156>,1)
label("Here are 492",y* 29.9,24*.8,<0.30196, 0.0196, 0.2156>,0)
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As for 3D point to screen xy, you'll need a few things.
POV's Perspective Matrix
InvertMatrix function
CameraMatrix 4x4
inv cam to world matrix, subv(pnt-campos)
pop world matrix
if (point[2] > 0) pop perspective matrix
which returns xy;
That's your camera.
> 0 because u dont have eyes in the back of your head.
if < 0, do nothing, move-on to the next pnt/star/object.
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if you're fairly quick, u have one more question looming ---
unresolved constant of "88" -
represents a perspective cancel.
how much bigger to stay the same size at a distance?
... so that's your home work, resolve the last constant.
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"Melody" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> if you're fairly quick, u have one more question looming ---
> unresolved constant of "88" -
> represents a perspective cancel.
> how much bigger to stay the same size at a distance?
> ... so that's your home work, resolve the last constant.
time's up. pencil's down, a trick question doesn't require math.
88 = ground 0.
a constant.
distance at which u see object of size 1 at size 1.
perspective is all about divide by Z.
but that may not be POV, which may include near far points and doodads.
close enough tho.
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self adjusting to stay the same size at another FOV
fl = 1/tan(radians(fov/Aspect/2));
// fl * centerx = actual focal length
vlen / 88 becomes ...
vlen / (fl * 23.6)
or simply vlen / fl;
that was the bonus answer nobody got.
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On 19/01/2020 07:16, Melody wrote:
> #macro label(Text,objv,r,col,top)
> #local vl = vlength(objv-campos)/88;
> #if (top)
> #local pnt = camup*(r*1.05)+objv;
> #else
> #local pnt = -camup*(vl*FontSize+r)+objv;
> #end
> #local eye = vnormalize(pnt-campos);
> object {
> text {
> ttf "Arial.ttf" Text 2 0
> texture { pigment { rgb col } finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } }
> }
> translate x*(strlen(Text)*-0.15*FontSize)
> scale vl*FontSize
> Matrix_Trans(vnormalize(vcross(camup,eye)),camup,eye,pnt)
> no_shadow
> }
> #end
Thank for this macro. It seems to be working perfectly.
My firt try with **label()**
Thanks :)
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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