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I redid my 18 years old image, since it hasn't aged well.
Back then it was impossible to optimize textures, lighting and so on. Render
speed was 1.2 pps and memory need was at the limit.
So I recently changed most plants, lighting, added a media effect and the water
flows now in different directions...
Media is faked, because I rendered an image from light position, made an
height_field, filled it with emitting media and added it via a separate render.
Merry x-mas to all
Norbert Kern
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Preview of image 'warm_up_redo.jpg'

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Op 25/12/2019 om 12:14 schreef Norbert Kern:
> I redid my 18 years old image, since it hasn't aged well.
> Back then it was impossible to optimize textures, lighting and so on. Render
> speed was 1.2 pps and memory need was at the limit.
> So I recently changed most plants, lighting, added a media effect and the water
> flows now in different directions...
> Media is faked, because I rendered an image from light position, made an
> height_field, filled it with emitting media and added it via a separate render.
> Merry x-mas to all
> Norbert Kern
*That* is a beautiful piece of work indeed! Interesting to compare with
the original. Very, very well done. You are the unsurpassed master of
these kind of scenes. I am not sure I understand entirely how you
achieved your media here, though.
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> > Media is faked, because I rendered an image from light position, made an
> > height_field, filled it with emitting media and added it via a separate render.
> *That* is a beautiful piece of work indeed! Interesting to compare with
> the original. Very, very well done. You are the unsurpassed master of
> these kind of scenes. I am not sure I understand entirely how you
> achieved your media here, though.
> --
> Thomas
Thank you very much!
I simply made an black-white image of the trees alone and used it as an
height_field filled with emitting media after orienting it towards the
Despite using emitting media only it is slow when incorporated in the original
scene, so it had to be rendered separatedly and combined in an extra scene.
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Preview of image 'media_fake.jpg'

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The original was already great back in the day. The redo is absolutely stunning!
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"Norbert Kern" <nor### [at] t-online de> wrote:
> I redid my 18 years old image, since it hasn't aged well.
> Back then it was impossible to optimize textures, lighting and so on. Render
> speed was 1.2 pps and memory need was at the limit.
> So I recently changed most plants, lighting, added a media effect and the water
> flows now in different directions...
> Media is faked, because I rendered an image from light position, made an
> height_field, filled it with emitting media and added it via a separate render.
How long does it take to render today?
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"Thorsten Froehlich" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> How long does it take to render today?
A nearly identical 3.5 version of the old image takes 349 s trace time with the
same settings (800*600 AA0.1 /3.0 GHz/16 threads/64 GB system). In 2001 a brand
new 1.4 GHz Athlon C / 1 GB system needed 101 h 18 m trace time.
So my current and slightly outdated system is 1045 times faster - astonishing...
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Am 12/25/19 6:14 AM, also sprach Norbert Kern:
Ouch. I think a mosquito just bit me.
Rendered 49,882,521,600 of 49,882,521,600 pixels (100%)
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Op 25/12/2019 om 15:57 schreef Norbert Kern:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
>>> Media is faked, because I rendered an image from light position, made an
>>> height_field, filled it with emitting media and added it via a separate render.
>> *That* is a beautiful piece of work indeed! Interesting to compare with
>> the original. Very, very well done. You are the unsurpassed master of
>> these kind of scenes. I am not sure I understand entirely how you
>> achieved your media here, though.
>> --
>> Thomas
> Thank you very much!
> I simply made an black-white image of the trees alone and used it as an
> height_field filled with emitting media after orienting it towards the
> light_source.
> Despite using emitting media only it is slow when incorporated in the original
> scene, so it had to be rendered separatedly and combined in an extra scene.
> Norbert
Smart! I shall have to try this (one day...).
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Very well done. I like it !
Especially the trick about the "fake" media. Really clever...
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> Op 25/12/2019 om 15:57 schreef Norbert Kern:
> > Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> >
> >>> Media is faked, because I rendered an image from light position, made an
> >>> height_field, filled it with emitting media and added it via a separate render.
> >
> >> *That* is a beautiful piece of work indeed! Interesting to compare with
> >> the original. Very, very well done. You are the unsurpassed master of
> >> these kind of scenes. I am not sure I understand entirely how you
> >> achieved your media here, though.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Thomas
> >
> >
> > Thank you very much!
> >
> > I simply made an black-white image of the trees alone and used it as an
> > height_field filled with emitting media after orienting it towards the
> > light_source.
> > Despite using emitting media only it is slow when incorporated in the original
> > scene, so it had to be rendered separatedly and combined in an extra scene.
> >
> >
> > Norbert
> >
> >
> Smart! I shall have to try this (one day...).
> --
> Thomas
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"Norbert Kern" <nor### [at] t-online de> wrote:
> I redid my 18 years old image, since it hasn't aged well.
> Back then it was impossible to optimize textures, lighting and so on. Render
> speed was 1.2 pps and memory need was at the limit.
> So I recently changed most plants, lighting, added a media effect and the water
> flows now in different directions...
> Media is faked, because I rendered an image from light position, made an
> height_field, filled it with emitting media and added it via a separate render.
> Merry x-mas to all
> Norbert Kern
That's a really nice image. A paradise for butterflies indeed. It reminds me of
the 'marais ( =swamp ) Poitevin' in west of France.
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