Hi all,
If you've been following the latest burst of energy, I decided to take the
rotation / vortex idea and actually use it in an aesthetically pleasing scene.
So, this combined:
Some distance functions and the vector-matrix based rotation / vortex pattern
rewriting a few of the POV-Ray pigment patterns as functions for use in the
warp, as well as in isosurfaces
IIRC, I did checker, cells, and the tiling pattern for this one
Doing the same for the texture_map, because the map is defined by the pattern
which has to follow the isosurface
I also managed to work out (mostly) how to simulate using arrays in functions
using the "new" spline feature, but I also figured out a way that ought to work
for in any function in any version.
So here here it is:
Spheres and a Reflective Sphere on a Checkered Plane - with a new Twist!
(version 1.0)
I hope your time on this mortal coil is enriched as you try to wrap your head
around this warped new take on a classic scene.
- Bald Eagle
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Op 27/07/2019 om 16:29 schreef Bald Eagle:
> Hi all,
> If you've been following the latest burst of energy, I decided to take the
> rotation / vortex idea and actually use it in an aesthetically pleasing scene.
> ;)
Well done sir! To me, this seems to be the representation of a black
hole's accretion disk and/or time warp.
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