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I found a website with a whole bunch of minimal surfaces generated with
Mathematica - https://minimalsurfaces.blog/ together with their povray-files.
Here is a pimped example.
Regards Norbert
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Preview of image 'prismatic k-noids.jpg'

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Op 26/07/2019 om 17:40 schreef Norbert Kern:
> Hi,
> I found a website with a whole bunch of minimal surfaces generated with
> Mathematica - https://minimalsurfaces.blog/ together with their povray-files.
> Here is a pimped example.
> Regards Norbert
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> Oooohhh!
> [drools]
> --
> Thomas
Simple - ...
// https://minimalsurfaces.blog/home/repository/spheres/prismatic-k-noids/
#version 3.7;
#declare RAD = 64;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 2.2
max_trace_level 5
noise_generator 2
#if(RAD > 0)
radiosity {
pretrace_start 0.08
pretrace_end 0.04/RAD
count 30*RAD
nearest_count min (20, RAD)
error_bound 2/RAD
low_error_factor 0.5
recursion_limit 1
gray_threshold 0
minimum_reuse 0.015
brightness 1
adc_bailout 0.005
normal on
media on
#include "stdinc.inc"
#declare stereo = 0;
camera {
location <0.6,0,-4>+stereo*<.1,0,0>
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 47
look_at <-0.3,-0.18,0>
sphere {
0, 1000
pigment {
image_map {
hdr "pisa.hdr"
gamma 2.2
map_type 1
interpolate 2
finish {emission 8 diffuse 0}
rotate <240,0,0>
background {color White}
// normal from Jim Holsenback compass final
// everything else adapted from Tekno Frannansa Metallic paint - v2
#declare T1 =
material {
texture {
pigment {color srgb 0.1}
finish {diffuse 0.8}
texture {
pigment {color srgbt <1,1,1,1>}
finish {
diffuse 1
ambient 0
specular 0.9
roughness 0.005
brilliance 8
reflection {0, 0.09 falloff 15}
normal {facets coords 0.8 size 0.05}
texture {
pigment {color srgbt 1}
finish {
diffuse 1
ambient 0
reflection {0.08, 0.5 fresnel on}
specular 0.5
roughness 0.001
normal {facets coords 0.05 size 0.05}
interior {ior 1.54}
scale 0.3
plane {y, -0.9 material {T1} rotate x*-30}
#declare tr = 0.0;
#declare spherecolor = srgb <0.76,0.76,0.8>/4;
#declare rodcolor1 = srgb <0.82459,0.822353,0.70061>;
#declare rodcolor2 = srgb <0.823507,0.67435,0.564063>;
#declare RodFinish =
finish {
ambient 0
diffuse 0.424433
brilliance 16.992
phong 0.482
phong_size 66.886667
specular 0.129467
roughness 0.1203
reflection {
0.13, 0.34
fresnel on
falloff 1
exponent 1
metallic 0.5
#declare SphereFinish =
finish {
ambient 0
diffuse 0.424433
brilliance 16.992
phong 0.482
phong_size 66.886667
specular 0.129467
roughness 0.1203
reflection {
0.13, 0.34
fresnel on
falloff 1
exponent 1
metallic 0.5
#declare mesh_texture1 =
texture {
pigment {color srgb <1,0.6,0.2>*0.7}
finish {
ambient 0
diffuse 0.1
specular 3
roughness 0.04
reflection {0.5 metallic}
brilliance 1.5
normal {
granite 0.07
scale 0.002
// material based on - Bill Hails Textures.inc for Tea pic
#macro Porcelain (col)
#local P_Porcelain = pigment {color srgb col}
#local N_Porcelain =
normal {
normal_map {
[1 bozo 0.633 scale 0.5]
[1 bozo 0.633]
[1 bozo 0.633 scale 2]
[1 bumps 0.15
warp {turbulence 1}
scale 0.2
[1 bumps 0.1
warp {turbulence 0.5}
scale 0.001
#local F_Porcelain =
finish {
ambient 0
diffuse 0.62
brilliance 0.8
reflection {0.1, 0.3 fresnel on}
#local T_Porcelain =
texture {
pigment {P_Porcelain}
normal {N_Porcelain}
finish {F_Porcelain}
#local I_Porcelain = interior {ior 1.53}
texture {
scale 0.5
#declare mesh_texture2 = Porcelain (<0.2,1,1>)
// thicknesses of spheres and rods
#declare scal = 1.1;
#declare linerad = 0.002/scal;
#declare sphererad = 2*linerad/scal;
// include generated file
#include "dummy.pov"
#declare fundpiece1 =
object {
union {
object {
texture {mesh_texture2}
interior_texture {mesh_texture1}
object {
pigment {spherecolor }
finish {SphereFinish}
object {
pigment {rodcolor1}
finish {RodFinish}
object {
pigment {rodcolor2}
finish {RodFinish}
object {
object {fundpiece1}
scale scal
rotate <0,0,-90>
rotate <-130,0,0>
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Op 27/07/2019 om 09:26 schreef Norbert Kern:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
>> Oooohhh!
>> [drools]
>> --
>> Thomas
> Simple - ...
Thanks for all this! It is going to be interesting to explore this site...
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On 7/26/19 11:40 AM, Norbert Kern wrote:
> Hi,
> I found a website with a whole bunch of minimal surfaces generated with
> Mathematica - https://minimalsurfaces.blog/ together with their povray-files.
> Here is a pimped example.
> Regards Norbert
nice ... appreciate the shout out for the normal!
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Jim Holsenback <ash### [at] nospam com> wrote:
> nice ... appreciate the shout out for the normal!
What normal exactly?
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"Norbert Kern" <nor### [at] t-online de> wrote:
> Jim Holsenback <ash### [at] nospam com> wrote:
> > nice ... appreciate the shout out for the normal!
> What normal exactly?
> Norbert
// normal from Jim Holsenback compass final
vide supra
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Jim Holsenback <ash### [at] nospam com> wrote:
> On 7/26/19 11:40 AM, Norbert Kern wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I found a website with a whole bunch of minimal surfaces generated with
> > Mathematica - https://minimalsurfaces.blog/ together with their povray-files.
> >
> > Here is a pimped example.
> >
> > Regards Norbert
> >
> nice ... appreciate the shout out for the normal!
You deserve it - it is Material 477 out of 2435 together with 14 other entries.
Here is an example with the original material - maybe you want to correct it...
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Preview of image 'minimal surface2.jpg'

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"Norbert Kern" <nor### [at] t-online de> wrote:
> Here is a pimped example.
meant to ask, what is reflected on the left inside? is it a face? anyway,
gorgeous colours.
regards ,jr.
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> meant to ask, what is reflected on the left inside? is it a face? anyway,
> gorgeous colours.
> regards ,jr.
Thank you,
there are reflections from the Pisa hdr - my fault...
Here is an example with less defects like that.
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Preview of image 'schoen-h-t.jpg'

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