Researching the answers to questions [re]exposes me to information and
techniques and old projects.
That plants the seed.
Then, like a true POV-Ray addict, the brain cannot go to sleep, and insists on
suggesting that an isosurface can create "multiple objects" and that those
objects could be concentric spheres.
Even better - patterned concentric spheres.
Colored by distance from the origin.
So here's a little doodle inspired by PM2Ring and Mike Williams, the "no image"
project for jr (with much valuable input from Bill Pokorny) using HSV functions
I adapted from the colors.inc RGB2HSV macro for use with media.
As a further development, I figured each shell could be a different function,
using select().
Suggestions for how exactly to go about that would be GREAT ;)
But since some functions may be inherently spherical, and others will need some
heavy massaging to use f_ph, f_r and f_th to wrap them around in spherical
coordinates, I will leave that for a later time.
Other isosurface addicts welcome to contribute fun functions! :D
The texture is an onion pattern with a spline-interpolated HSV color map.
I can't recall if there was a direct way to color isosurfaces based on <x, y, z>
coordinates and I'm terrible at searching for even my own past work. :|
This took 16 seconds, using the evaluate trick.
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hi BW,
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> Then, like a true POV-Ray addict, the brain cannot go to sleep, ...
that, and the coffee.. ;-)
I probably would not know an isosurface if it bit me, but :-) if those
(half)spheres revolved slowly, each along a different axis while staying
concentric, it'd make a real nice animation.
regards, jr.
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