"Ton" <ton### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I've embarked on a new adventure, the Rocket by George Stepenson, built in 1829.
> I found good drawings for a model of the Rocket on modelengineeringwebsite.com,
> which is an interesting website for model building, with quite a lot of
> CAD-drawings.
> BTW After my hard disk crash, and consequently sinking of my Titanic, I'm
> synchronizing my Povray sources every night on my Google cloud space.
> Cheers
> Ton.
Looks very promising!
Hopefully you will model the tender too.
There is much wood - in the case you are looking for a real nice wood texture -
think about a texture originating from the excellent isowood code by Christoph
Hormann - here is the code for a texture using his functions -
#macro IW_Warp_02 (Seed, xSize, ySize, zSize)
#local SZ = (xSize+ySize)*0.5*0.1;
#local Density = 0.1;
warp {
black_hole <xSize*0.5,0,0>, SZ
falloff 2.5
strength 2
repeat <min (xSize, SZ/Density),min (ySize, SZ/Density),SZ/Density>
turbulence <0.02,0.75,0.75>
#local SZ = (xSize+ySize)*0.5*0.15;
#local Density = 0.1;
warp {
black_hole <xSize*0.5,0,0>, SZ
falloff 2.1
strength 3.7
repeat <min (xSize, SZ/Density),min (ySize,
turbulence <0,0.4,0.4>
#macro IW_Select_Warp (WarpNbr, Seed, xSize, ySize, zSize)
IW_Warp_02 (Seed, xSize, ySize, zSize)
#macro IW_Plank_Round_CutN (Seed, xSize, ySize, zSize, Rotate, Translate, Round,
Strength, Strength2, Pigm, Fin, C_Map, WarpNbr, fn_Max_Val)
#local rd = seed (Seed);
#local fn_Max = fn_Max_Val+<0,0,0>;
#local Trsx = (rand (rd)-0.5)*Translate*xSize;
#local Trsy = (rand (rd)-0.5)*Translate*ySize;
#local Trsz = (rand (rd)-0.5)*Translate*zSize;
#local Rotx = (rand (rd)-0.5)*Rotate;
#local Roty = (rand (rd)-0.5)*Rotate;
#local fn_Wood =
function {
pigment {
color_map {
[0 rgb 0]
[1 rgb 1]
translate <Trsx,Trsy,Trsz>
rotate Rotx*x
rotate Roty*y
IW_Select_Warp (WarpNbr, Seed, xSize, ySize, zSize)
#local fn_Disp =
function {
pigment {
pigment_map {
[1 function {f_noise3d (0,0,z*1.6)*0.3}
color_map {
[0 rgb 0]
[1 rgb x]
[1 function {f_noise3d (0,0,-z*1.6)*0.3}
color_map {
[0 rgb 0]
[1 rgb y]
#local fnShape = function {f_rounded_box (x,y,z, Round, xSize*0.5, ySize*0.5,
#local fnShape2 = function {(abs (z)-zSize*0.5)}
#local fnShapeT = function {fnShape (x+fn_Disp (x,y,z).x, y+fn_Disp
(x,y,z).y,z+fn_Disp (x,y,z).z)}
#local fnShape2T = function {fnShape2(x+fn_Disp (x,y,z).x, y+fn_Disp
(x,y,z).y,z+fn_Disp (x,y,z).z)}
#declare fnBumpsT = function {fn_Wood (x+fn_Disp (x,y,z).x, y+fn_Disp
(x,y,z).y,z+fn_Disp (x,y,z).z).grey}
#declare P_IW_10 =
pigment {
octaves 6
lambda 2.5
turbulence <0.06,0.06,0.75>
scale <0.02,0.02,0.3>
#declare Fin_W_02 =
finish {
ambient 0.1*0
diffuse 0.95
brilliance 1.4
specular 0.4
roughness 0.02
#declare GammaFact = 1;
#declare ColorDiff = <0,0,0>;
#macro ColorCorrect (Color, Gamma, ColDiff)
rgb <pow (Color.red+ColDiff.red,Gamma),pow (Color.green+ColDiff.green,Gamma),pow
#declare CM_IW_02 =
color_map {
[0 ColorCorrect (<0.949,0.792,0.514>, GammaFact, ColorDiff)]
[0.3 ColorCorrect (<0.855,0.651,0.376>, GammaFact, ColorDiff)]
[0.6 ColorCorrect (<0.831,0.596,0.275>, GammaFact, ColorDiff)]
[0.9 ColorCorrect (<0.620,0.447,0.204>, GammaFact, ColorDiff)]
IW_Plank_Round_CutN (17, 0.3, 1.6, 8, 2, 0, 0.018, 0.0035, 0.005, pigment
{P_IW_10 scale 1.6} , Fin_W_02, CM_IW_02, 2, 0.3)
#local T_WoodA =
texture {
pigment {
function {fnBumpsT (x,y,z)}
color_map {CM_IW_02}
normal {function {fnBumpsT (x,y,z)}, -1 accuracy 0.004}
finish {Fin_W_02}
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