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I would like to add the image texture to the mesh (wheat plant leaf). However,
the image could not attached on the mesh properly. It seems I need set
uv_vectors to control...I tried but not successful. Could you please show me how
to do that? Thanks.
camera {
location <0.00,0.00,50.00>
look_at <0.00,0.00,0.0>
right <1,0,0>
angle 10
sky z
rotate <20,0,0.00>
light_source { <25, 25, 100> color rgb 1 }
#declare p_map6=pigment {image_map{png "wheat.png" interpolate 2}}
plane { <0,0,1>, 0 texture {pigment {color rgb <0.5,0.5,0>}} }
#declare leafmap=
texture{pigment {p_map6}}
#declare wheat = union{
#declare GEOMID_329306648_155281880 = object {
object {
mesh2 {
vertex_vectors { 20
<0.214732,-0.119527,2.87786>, <0.182308,-0.159119,3.37809>,
<0.0760855,-0.323833,4.04767>, <0.0328297,-0.386392,4.30684>,
<-0.425035,-1.12277,5.51566>, <-0.557483,-1.34125,5.71863>,
<-0.755441,-1.65093,6.01031>, <-1.00284,-2.00163,6.34971>,
<-0.18809,0.104624,2.8803>, <-0.200009,0.0536224,3.38041>,
<-0.277783,-0.126922,4.04982>, <-0.305741,-0.197993,4.30889>,
<-0.678944,-0.981479,5.5172>, <-0.792911,-1.21025,5.72006>,
<-0.949017,-1.54322,6.01148>, <-1.11348,-1.94007,6.35038>,
normal_vectors { 17
<0.48426,0.86917,0.100181>, <0.468033,0.838044,0.280405>,
<0.468033,0.838044,0.280405>, <0.417974,0.745479,0.51919>,
<0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>, <0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>,
<0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>, <0.48426,0.86917,0.100181>,
<0.468033,0.838044,0.280405>, <0.417974,0.745479,0.51919>,
<0.359359,0.638382,0.680684>, <0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>,
<0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>, <0.284633,0.502614,0.816311>}
face_indices { 17
<0,10,11>, <1,11,12>, <2,12,13>, <3,13,14>, <4,14,15>,
<5,15,16>, <6,16,17>, <7,17,18>, <0,11,1>, <1,12,2>,
<2,13,3>, <3,14,4>, <4,15,5>, <5,16,6>, <6,17,7>,
<7,18,8>, <8,18,19>}
normal_indices { 17
<0,0,0>, <1,1,1>, <2,2,2>, <3,3,3>, <4,4,4>,
<5,5,5>, <6,6,6>, <7,7,7>, <8,8,8>, <9,9,9>,
<10,10,10>, <11,11,11>, <12,12,12>, <13,13,13>, <14,14,14>,
<15,15,15>, <16,16,16>}
texture { leafmap }
rotate <0,-0,85.2711>
translate <0.714286,0,0>
object {
object {wheat double_illuminate hollow}
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Download 'wheat.png' (120 KB)
Preview of image 'wheat.png'

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On 31-1-2019 22:22, muyu wrote:
> I would like to add the image texture to the mesh (wheat plant leaf). However,
> the image could not attached on the mesh properly. It seems I need set
> uv_vectors to control...I tried but not successful. Could you please show me how
> to do that? Thanks.
> camera {
> perspective
> location <0.00,0.00,50.00>
> look_at <0.00,0.00,0.0>
> right <1,0,0>
> angle 10
> sky z
> rotate <20,0,0.00>
> }
> light_source { <25, 25, 100> color rgb 1 }
> #declare p_map6=pigment {image_map{png "wheat.png" interpolate 2}}
> plane { <0,0,1>, 0 texture {pigment {color rgb <0.5,0.5,0>}} }
> #declare leafmap=
> texture{pigment {p_map6}}
> #declare wheat = union{
> #declare GEOMID_329306648_155281880 = object {
> object {
> mesh2 {
> vertex_vectors { 20
> <0.214732,-0.119527,2.87786>, <0.182308,-0.159119,3.37809>,
> <0.0760855,-0.323833,4.04767>, <0.0328297,-0.386392,4.30684>,
> <-0.225844,-0.797652,5.10559>,
> <-0.425035,-1.12277,5.51566>, <-0.557483,-1.34125,5.71863>,
> <-0.755441,-1.65093,6.01031>, <-1.00284,-2.00163,6.34971>,
> <-1.34481,-2.49057,6.76999>,
> <-0.18809,0.104624,2.8803>, <-0.200009,0.0536224,3.38041>,
> <-0.277783,-0.126922,4.04982>, <-0.305741,-0.197993,4.30889>,
> <-0.511466,-0.638717,5.10732>,
> <-0.678944,-0.981479,5.5172>, <-0.792911,-1.21025,5.72006>,
> <-0.949017,-1.54322,6.01148>, <-1.11348,-1.94007,6.35038>,
> <-1.34481,-2.49057,6.76999>}
> normal_vectors { 17
> <0.48426,0.86917,0.100181>, <0.468033,0.838044,0.280405>,
> <0.468033,0.838044,0.280405>, <0.417974,0.745479,0.51919>,
> <0.359359,0.638382,0.680684>,
> <0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>, <0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>,
> <0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>, <0.48426,0.86917,0.100181>,
> <0.468033,0.838044,0.280405>,
> <0.468033,0.838044,0.280405>, <0.417974,0.745479,0.51919>,
> <0.359359,0.638382,0.680684>, <0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>,
> <0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>,
> <0.306156,0.541657,0.782864>, <0.284633,0.502614,0.816311>}
> face_indices { 17
> <0,10,11>, <1,11,12>, <2,12,13>, <3,13,14>, <4,14,15>,
> <5,15,16>, <6,16,17>, <7,17,18>, <0,11,1>, <1,12,2>,
> <2,13,3>, <3,14,4>, <4,15,5>, <5,16,6>, <6,17,7>,
> <7,18,8>, <8,18,19>}
> normal_indices { 17
> <0,0,0>, <1,1,1>, <2,2,2>, <3,3,3>, <4,4,4>,
> <5,5,5>, <6,6,6>, <7,7,7>, <8,8,8>, <9,9,9>,
> <10,10,10>, <11,11,11>, <12,12,12>, <13,13,13>, <14,14,14>,
> <15,15,15>, <16,16,16>}
> texture { leafmap }
> }
> rotate <0,-0,85.2711>
> }
> translate <0.714286,0,0>
> }
> object {
> GEOMID_329306648_155281880
> }
> }
> object {wheat double_illuminate hollow}
It appears to me that your mesh2{} block is not complete. In order to do
proper uv_mapping it should have the following component blocks:
or, at least, that is how my own mesh2{} objects are built up.
Editing mesh2{} objects is /absolutely not/ trivial, and the best you
can do is (1) go to the program that generated the object in the first
place, (2) apply an appropriate uv_map to the object, (3) save/export
the object and open it in Poseray, (4) export as a mesh2{} object to be
rendered with POV-Ray. That should do the trick.
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