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Trees generated by Arbaro, sculpted trunk in Sculptris, converted by Blender and
PoseRay, rendered by Pov-Ray. Get a nice mood. Can be a poster.
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On 18-1-2019 4:10, And wrote:
> Trees generated by Arbaro, sculpted trunk in Sculptris, converted by Blender and
> PoseRay, rendered by Pov-Ray. Get a nice mood. Can be a poster.
I agree. Well done!
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On 1/18/19 2:37 AM, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> On 18-1-2019 4:10, And wrote:
>> Trees generated by Arbaro, sculpted trunk in Sculptris, converted by
>> Blender and
>> PoseRay, rendered by Pov-Ray. Get a nice mood. Can be a poster.
> I agree. Well done!
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"And" <49341109@ntnu.edu.tw> wrote:
> Trees generated by Arbaro, sculpted trunk in Sculptris, converted by Blender and
> PoseRay, rendered by Pov-Ray. Get a nice mood. Can be a poster.
I liked the surreal quality of the previous tree image, but this is ..
sumptuous. :-)
regards, jr.
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On 18-1-2019 12:15, jr wrote:
> hi,
> "And" <49341109@ntnu.edu.tw> wrote:
>> Trees generated by Arbaro, sculpted trunk in Sculptris, converted by Blender and
>> PoseRay, rendered by Pov-Ray. Get a nice mood. Can be a poster.
> I liked the surreal quality of the previous tree image, but this is ..
> sumptuous. :-)
true, but I believe And shows clearly here the need for changing a
POVtree or Arbaro tree shape with - e.g. Sculptris or another modeller -
to get a better one. I have been playing with the idea for a while but
never got time for it.
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> On 18-1-2019 12:15, jr wrote:
> > "And" <49341109@ntnu.edu.tw> wrote:
> >> Trees generated by Arbaro, sculpted trunk in Sculptris, converted by Blender and
> >> PoseRay, rendered by Pov-Ray. Get a nice mood. Can be a poster.
> > I liked the surreal quality of the previous tree image, but this is ..
> > sumptuous. :-)
> true, but I believe And shows clearly here the need for changing a
> POVtree or Arbaro tree shape with - e.g. Sculptris or another modeller -
> to get a better one. ...
will take your (collective) word for it, I do not use any modelling s/wares[*].
my comment concerned the visual .. impact only, the "grove" looks, well, [insert
regards, jr.
[*] without 3d goggle + data-glove interface I'd struggle anyway. :-)
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> hi,
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> > On 18-1-2019 12:15, jr wrote:
> > > "And" <49341109@ntnu.edu.tw> wrote:
> > >> Trees generated by Arbaro, sculpted trunk in Sculptris, converted by Blender
> > >> PoseRay, rendered by Pov-Ray. Get a nice mood. Can be a poster.
> > > I liked the surreal quality of the previous tree image, but this is ..
> > > sumptuous. :-)
> >
> > true, but I believe And shows clearly here the need for changing a
> > POVtree or Arbaro tree shape with - e.g. Sculptris or another modeller -
> > to get a better one. ...
Basically I edited it. I copied the level0(trunk) and level1 (big stem) as a new
..obj file then sculpted it. Then cover the original one.
> will take your (collective) word for it, I do not use any modelling s/wares[*].
> my comment concerned the visual .. impact only, the "grove" looks, well, [insert
> superlative].
> regards, jr.
> [*] without 3d goggle + data-glove interface I'd struggle anyway. :-)
If you want to learn I can teach you. At the beginning I played with Terragen's
object function. It can "populate" objects in a 2d array.
Like this
Then it can adjust the distribution through apply the density modifier like
"terrain slop constraint", or some other pattern you define.
Like this
I feel this is a good function, but I cannot tried many tree type because I use
the free version. In addition I notice that its tree leaves detail due to global
illum is not as good(or I don't know how to) as pov-ray( using radiosity). So I
back to pov-ray.
I use 4 trees in this scene. Each one I adjust the leaf(and stem) color
Like this:
//#declare leaves_13=
#declare PR_DIFFUSE=pigment {color rgb <0.077,0.179,0.080>}
#declare F1=finish{
diffuse 0.55, 0.45
oren_nayar 1.1
#declare T1=texture{
pigment{uv_mapping PR_DIFFUSE }
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//#declare trunk_13=
#declare PR_DIFFUSE=pigment {color rgb <0.056,0.058,0.036> transmit 0/100 }
#declare F1=finish{
diffuse 1
oren_nayar 1.117
#declare T1=texture{
pigment{uv_mapping PR_DIFFUSE }
Then I distribute the trees using for loop and random:
#include "camphor_13_mod_POV_geom.inc"
#include "camphor_40_mod_POV_geom.inc"
#include "camphor_48_mod_POV_geom.inc"
#include "camphor_56_mod_POV_geom.inc"
#declare spec_rand = seed(51);
#declare pos_x_rand = seed(277);
#declare pos_y_rand = seed(13);
#declare ang_ran = seed(2);
#declare scal_rand = seed(518);
#for(i, 0, 10)
#for(j, 0 , 10)
#declare spec = rand(spec_rand)*4;
#if(spec < 1)
rotate <90, 0, 0>
scale <1, 1, 1>*0.5
rotate <0, 0, rand(ang_ran)*360>
scale <1, 1, 1>*(1 + 0.1*rand(scal_rand))
translate <-40 + i*7, j*7, 0>
translate <rand(pos_x_rand), rand(pos_y_rand), 0>*5.5
#elseif(spec < 2)
rotate <90, 0, 0>
scale <1, 1, 1>*0.5
rotate <0, 0, rand(ang_ran)*360>
scale <1, 1, 1>*(1 + 0.25*rand(scal_rand))
translate <-40 + i*7, j*7, 0>
translate <rand(pos_x_rand), rand(pos_y_rand), 0>*5.5
#elseif(spec < 3)
rotate <90, 0, 0>
scale <1, 1, 1>*0.5
rotate <0, 0, rand(ang_ran)*360>
scale <1, 1, 1>*(1 + 0.2*rand(scal_rand))
translate <-40 + i*7, j*7, 0>
translate <rand(pos_x_rand), rand(pos_y_rand), 0>*5.5
rotate <90, 0, 0>
scale <1, 1, 1>*0.5
rotate <0, 0, rand(ang_ran)*360>
scale <1, 1, 1>*(0.8 + 0.1*rand(scal_rand))
translate <-40 + i*7, j*7, 0>
translate <rand(pos_x_rand), rand(pos_y_rand), 0>*5.5
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The rest is radiosity. No need very high as interior scene.
radiosity {
pretrace_start 0.08
pretrace_end 0.005
count 72
nearest_count 6
error_bound 0.32
recursion_limit 8 // this is important cannot too low
low_error_factor 0.5
minimum_reuse 0.015
brightness 1
adc_bailout 0.01/2
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