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As a natural continuation for my rooster theme that I wrote about some time
back, of course I really gotta have something around that subject as well! :D
So, here's a small side project that I've been working with since the summer
time or so. It's still more or less all over the place, a lot of ideas, this and
that, loads of notes and all kinds of experiments with graphics. But all in all
I'm going for some rather minimalistic, cartoonish and even naivistic style this
time. Added in some pixelated touch reminding a bit of mid 90's pre-rendered
game graphics or so. Slowly but steadily, a concept of sci-fi/cartoon adventure
game filled with weird sense of humour is taking form besides my main sci-fi
project. It still remains open what kind of mechanics/controls this lil' thingy
will end up with, eg. text + parser, point & click (mouse), or some wacky NumPad
galore. It all depends on what I come up with while advancing in learning Java
and C#. :)
(As a reminder or for those that missed my earlier rooster stuff:
However, here are some images as a mere scratch from the surface of what's been
done and/or fiddled around with so far. :)
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Roosters to be collected inside a space ship through wacky and absurd encounters
and not to die while trying. :D
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A prequel to the first rooster game before heading to deep space:
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Location selection: the park.
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Location selection: the facility.
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Location selection: the abbey / meditation centre.
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The player (also a rooster :D) turbo-boosted with futuristic/cyberpunk gadgets
and equipment:
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And as this SIDE project has got out of control already some time ago, the
sequel (:D) has some more special gear to be obtained and equipped for
completing quests around the space ship/station. :D
PS. Where did I put my dried frog pills...?
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Oh, and ofc a shuttle craft for some shorter trips:
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And one more. A reference to a classic game. I just really had to give this one
a shot too. :D
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