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:: Fungal Tech Particle
"Proceeding to the stars and beyond derived from discovering the merging of
organic data from the lifeforms on our homeworld to synthetic structures of the
Resource that became the most valuable essence after ourselves. Together we
healed, evolved and advanced."
// =====
It's been a while since I posted anything last time. Been having somewhat hectic
times at work, and that combined with intensive kung fu training has taken a lot
of my time and energy for weeks and even months as of late. But I'm still here,
well and alive and creating my usual stuff. :)
Or perhaps not as well as I could really be.. A couple of weeks ago I had an
accident in training during some normal warm-up sparring, and last Thursday I
was in a hand surgery. As a result from hitting the focus mitts a bit too
intensively, one tendon on my right hand thumb ripped off together with a small
fragment of bone. Along the surgery both are now anchored back to their places
and I'm recovering well and feeling quite ok. Luckily I'm able to POV regardless
of the situation, and now as I'm on a 2 months sickleave from work, I've got
plenty of time for it too! \o/ :D
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On 20-10-2018 23:41, Pekka Aho wrote:
> :: Fungal Tech Particle
> "Proceeding to the stars and beyond derived from discovering the merging of
> organic data from the lifeforms on our homeworld to synthetic structures of the
> Resource that became the most valuable essence after ourselves. Together we
> healed, evolved and advanced."
> // =====
> It's been a while since I posted anything last time. Been having somewhat hectic
> times at work, and that combined with intensive kung fu training has taken a lot
> of my time and energy for weeks and even months as of late. But I'm still here,
> well and alive and creating my usual stuff. :)
> Or perhaps not as well as I could really be.. A couple of weeks ago I had an
> accident in training during some normal warm-up sparring, and last Thursday I
> was in a hand surgery. As a result from hitting the focus mitts a bit too
> intensively, one tendon on my right hand thumb ripped off together with a small
> fragment of bone. Along the surgery both are now anchored back to their places
> and I'm recovering well and feeling quite ok. Luckily I'm able to POV regardless
> of the situation, and now as I'm on a 2 months sickleave from work, I've got
> plenty of time for it too! \o/ :D
Reading about your thumb, I guess you need a bit of that Fungal Tech
Particle yourself to mend faster. It seems full of potential. Otherwise,
hitting the mitts a tiny bit less enthusiastically, hmm?
One more for the gallery!
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On 10/20/18 5:41 PM, Pekka Aho wrote:
> :: Fungal Tech Particle
> "Proceeding to the stars and beyond derived from discovering the merging of
> organic data from the lifeforms on our homeworld to synthetic structures of the
> Resource that became the most valuable essence after ourselves. Together we
> healed, evolved and advanced."
> // =====
> It's been a while since I posted anything last time. Been having somewhat hectic
> times at work, and that combined with intensive kung fu training has taken a lot
> of my time and energy for weeks and even months as of late. But I'm still here,
> well and alive and creating my usual stuff. :)
> Or perhaps not as well as I could really be.. A couple of weeks ago I had an
> accident in training during some normal warm-up sparring, and last Thursday I
> was in a hand surgery. As a result from hitting the focus mitts a bit too
> intensively, one tendon on my right hand thumb ripped off together with a small
> fragment of bone. Along the surgery both are now anchored back to their places
> and I'm recovering well and feeling quite ok. Luckily I'm able to POV regardless
> of the situation, and now as I'm on a 2 months sickleave from work, I've got
> plenty of time for it too! \o/ :D
ouch... several years ago i did a number on my scaphoid. rather than
surgery (pins) i opted for extra long time (12 weeks) in a cast. the
grip in my right hand has never been the same... had to start mousing on
my left.
nice composition... like the monochrome
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> Reading about your thumb, I guess you need a bit of that Fungal Tech
> Particle yourself to mend faster. It seems full of potential. Otherwise,
> hitting the mitts a tiny bit less enthusiastically, hmm?
Hehe, I could use a handful of those indeed. :D
But yeah, at least I remember to be even more careful from now on. Even though
been practicing martial arts since 7 years old, never before during the last 30
years I've had anything like this to happen (so far just bruises, sprains, a
couple of concussions etc., easier stuff). Well, not even good luck lasts
forever, it seems, heh.
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"Pekka Aho" <pek### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Well, not even good luck lasts forever, it seems, heh.
Or maybe your sparring partner put rocks in those focus mitts? Just as a test,
of course. "To know pain is to know your inner self, young Grasshopper." :-P
The image looks like a gothic painting. Kind of Halloween-like, to my eyes.
Nicely done. I too like the monochromatic look.
Glad to hear that you're on the mend, and with some time off.
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