This is a simple object but I'll share it in case anyone finds it useful or
interesting (as always).
Dave Blandston
* * * * * * * * * *
#version 3.7;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 2.2}
camera {
location <0, 0, -120>
direction <0, 0, 1>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
} //camera
#macro MakeBiohazardSymbol (Border)
//Makes a biohazard symbol 1 unit thick (along the z axis) with the front at
z = -1 and the back at z = 0.
#local R1 = 30;
#local R2 = 21;
#local R3 = 6;
#local R4 = 27;
#local R5 = 20;
#local R6 = R2 - 2;
#local Part0 = object {
difference {
cylinder {<0, 0, -1> <0, 0, 0>, R1 - Border}
box {<-4 - Border, 8, -1.1> <4 + Border, 30.1, .1>}
} //difference
translate 22 * y
} //object
#local Part1 = object {
intersection {
difference {
cylinder {<0, 0, -1> <0, 0, 0>, R4 - Border translate -22 * y}
cylinder {<0, 0, -1.1> <0, 0, .1>, R5 + Border translate -22 * y}
} //difference
cylinder {<0, 0, -1.1> <0, 0, .1>, R6 - Border translate 8 * y}
} //intersection
translate 22 * y
} //object
#declare BiohazardSymbol = object {
union {
difference {
union {
object {Part0}
object {Part0 rotate -120 * z}
object {Part0 rotate 120 * z}
} //union
cylinder {<0, 0, -1.1> <0, 0, .1>, R2 + Border translate 30 * y}
cylinder {<0, 0, -1.1> <0, 0, .1>, R2 + Border translate 30 * y
rotate -120 * z}
cylinder {<0, 0, -1.1> <0, 0, .1>, R2 + Border translate 30 * y
rotate 120 * z}
cylinder {<0, 0, -1.1> <0, 0, .1>, R3 + Border}
box {<-1 - Border, 0, -1.1> <1 + Border, 10, .1>}
box {<-1 - Border, 0, -1.1> <1 + Border, 10, .1> rotate -120 * z}
box {<-1 - Border, 0, -1.1> <1 + Border, 10, .1> rotate 120 * z}
} //difference
object {Part1}
object {Part1 rotate -120 * z}
object {Part1 rotate 120 * z}
} //union
} //object
#end //#macro MakeBiohazardSymbol
MakeBiohazardSymbol (0)
object {BiohazardSymbol texture {pigment {color <240, 75, 0> / 255} finish
{emission 1}}}
MakeBiohazardSymbol (.5)
object {BiohazardSymbol texture {pigment {color <204, 255, 0> / 255} finish
{emission 1}} translate -.0001 * z}
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