For my own city buildings, I'm making some more semi-detailed 'rooftop junk'.
These are two 'air-conditioner units' so far. Not really meant to be seen
close-up, and they will be duplicated lots of times.
They actually might be *too* detailed-- that is, requiring more scene memory
than is worthwhile, for such a relatively small visual greeble. I'll tackle that
problem later ;-)
The only problem I ran into was with the shiny metal pipes-- their 'corrugated'
look is just a normals pattern applied to a section of a torus object. But I'm
still working out the best SDL approach of *applying* those normals-- what kind
of 'mapping' to use and what kind of bump-map gradient pattern. So far, I
haven't gotten the normals to work consistently around an *entire* torus object
(as relates to a particular light source location.) On half of the torus, they
look correct; on the other half, their effect is 'reversed.' It's probably due
to my choice of mapping etc...
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