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Hello! After many, many days of rendering, "Eye Candy #1" is ready for your
viewing pleasure. This one took forever and a day to render, thanks to the
loads of refraction, area lights, media, and reflection (the original version I
had would have take three MONTHS to render, but I reduced the number of area
lights by a third). This is also the one that kept killing my command-line
versions of POV-Ray; the moment I added the refraction is when the trouble
started (I can't explain why the command-line version consistently choked on
that combo, but the GUI version had no problem. Computers... sheesh!). As with
my other recent videos, this one loops forever. Hope you enjoy it!
(NOTE: I will post the Instagram version later)
Dan Byers
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On Instagram:
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From: dick balaska
Subject: Re: Eye Candy #1 (screenshot to latest animated film)
Date: 22 Jan 2017 01:05:30
Message: <58844baa$1@news.povray.org>
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Am 2017-01-21 11:16, also sprach Dan Byers:
> https://youtu.be/l3f8MkCOFLU
The first time I watched it, I really liked the background movement.
The second time I watched it, focusing on the structure of the primary
models, I found that background distracting.
So the third time I watched it, I had trained my eye to ignore the
background and focus on the magic donuts. :)
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dick balaska <dic### [at] buckosoft com> wrote:
> Am 2017-01-21 11:16, also sprach Dan Byers:
> > https://youtu.be/l3f8MkCOFLU
> Nice!
> The first time I watched it, I really liked the background movement.
> The second time I watched it, focusing on the structure of the primary
> models, I found that background distracting.
> So the third time I watched it, I had trained my eye to ignore the
> background and focus on the magic donuts. :)
> --
> dik
Thanks! :D Yeah, the background is a bit busy, but that's why I recommend
watching it on Instagram, or if YouTube will let you, set it to loop. It sucks
you in after awhile ;)
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The animation is pretty trippy. The still image just doesn't do it any justice.
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Very nice!
Dave Blandston
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"jhu" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> The animation is pretty trippy. The still image just doesn't do it any justice.
Thank you! :)
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"Dave Blandston" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Very nice!
> Regards,
> Dave Blandston
Thanks! :)
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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Eye Candy #1 (screenshot to latest animated film)
Date: 29 Jan 2017 16:59:08
Message: <588e65ac$1@news.povray.org>
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On 1/21/2017 4:16 PM, Dan Byers wrote:
> Hello! After many, many days of rendering, "Eye Candy #1" is ready for your
> viewing pleasure.
> YouTube:
> https://youtu.be/l3f8MkCOFLU
I particularly liked the wall tile flipping.
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Stephen <mca### [at] aol com> wrote:
> On 1/21/2017 4:16 PM, Dan Byers wrote:
> > Hello! After many, many days of rendering, "Eye Candy #1" is ready for your
> > viewing pleasure.
> >
> > YouTube:
> > https://youtu.be/l3f8MkCOFLU
> >
> I particularly liked the wall tile flipping.
> --
> Regards
> Stephen
Thanks! :) Took some coordination to get each flip to be different -- there are
six flips through the 25-second span -- and end up on the original flip when the
video loops. I also wanted the cascade to flow from left to right as well as
from bottom to top, but that got weird, especially when trying to wrap the
cascade from one wall to the next.
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