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Made a Merry Christmas picture and by pure coincidence ol' St. Nick seems to
have been reflected in some of the red ornaments. Not done on purpose. Just
snow-reflected light.
For the curious, adding scene here:
/* treeless ornaments around "warm" glow */
//cmd:+am2 +a0.2 +j1
#version 3.7;
global_settings{assumed_gamma 1.0
radiosity{count 123 normal on media on}
area_light <5,0,0>,<0,0,5>,4,4
media_interaction off
media_attenuation off}
area_light <0.5,0,0>,<0,0,0.5>,6,6 circular orient
fade_distance 9 fade_power 2
media_interaction on
media_attenuation off}
camera{location <0,2.4,-24>
up y right image_width/image_height*x
look_at <0,5,0>}
// starry sky
#declare StarY = function {
pigment { brick rgb <1,1,0> rgb 0 mortar 0.001 }
sphere{0,360 // stars
hollow on
texture {
pigment {
function { StarY(x,y,z).red}
turbulence 3 scale 33
finish { diffuse 0 ambient 1 emission 1 }
radiosity {importance 0.1}
sphere{0,1 // sky color
hollow on
function {abs(y)}
[0 rgbt <0.6,0.1,0.2,0.3>]
[0.1 rgbt <0.3,0.1,0.5,0.7>]
[0.3 rgbt <0.2,0.4,0.9,0.8>]
[1 rgbt <0.1,0.3,0.9,1>]
finish{diffuse 0 ambient 1 emission 1}
scale 333
radiosity {importance 0.5}
// localized air haze
media{method 3 samples 200 scattering{1,0.03}
density{spherical density_map{[0.93 rgb 0][1 rgb 0.67]}}
scale 334}
// ornaments
sphere{<3-It/12,1+It/3,0>, 1-It/40
rotate y*(360*It/6)
pigment{rgb <0,1,0>}
finish{fresnel 1.33
ambient 0
brilliance 3
diffuse albedo 0.5
specular albedo 0.9 roughness 0.01
reflection{0,1 fresnel on falloff 0.9 exponent 2}
interior{ior 1.5}
radiosity {importance 1}
sphere{<3-It/12,1+It/3,0>, 1-It/40
rotate y*(145+360*It/6)
pigment{rgb <1,0,0>}
finish{fresnel 1.2
ambient 0
brilliance 4
diffuse albedo 0.5
specular albedo 0.9 roughness 0.01
reflection{0,1 fresnel on falloff 0.9 exponent 3}
interior{ior 1.5}
radiosity {importance 1}
#end // ornaments
// ground snow
height_field {
function 2000,2000 {
pattern {
bozo scale 0.1
translate -0.5
scale <67,3,67>
pigment{rgb 1}
normal{bumps 0.1 scale 0.3}
finish{ambient 0.15 diffuse albedo 0.9
specular albedo 3 roughness 0.01
crand 0.1
pigment{bumps color_map{[0 rgb 1][0.2 rgbt 1]} scale 0.02}
//normal{bumps 0.1 scale 0.3}
finish{ambient 0.15 emission 0.05 diffuse albedo 9
specular albedo 9 roughness 0.01
//crand 0.1
interior{ior 1.34}
translate y*0.25
radiosity {importance 0.75}
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Download 'ws no tree snow warm glow.png' (619 KB)
Preview of image 'ws no tree snow warm glow.png'

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I posted that scene file in haste and neglected to warn about it using
unofficial 3.7 feature fresnel finish. And to say it's a slow render. Maybe this
would be better:
/* treeless ornaments around "warm" glow */
//cmd:+am2 +a0.2 +j1
#version 3.7; // 3.7 or use 3.71 with alpha or UberPOV
#local Radiosity=on;
#local Media=on;
#local Subsurface=off;
global_settings{assumed_gamma 1.0
max_trace_level 8
radiosity{count 123
adc_bailout 2/1
normal on media on
} #end
subsurface{samples 60,40 radiosity on}
//mm_per_unit 50
// moonlight
area_light <5,0,0>,<0,0,5>,4,4
media_interaction off
media_attenuation off}
// warm glow light
area_light <0.33,0,0>,<0,0,0.33>,8,8 circular orient
fade_distance 9 fade_power 2
media_interaction on
media_attenuation on}
camera{location <0,2.4,-24>
up y right image_width/image_height*x
look_at <0,5,0>}
// starry sky
#declare StarY = function {
pigment { brick rgb <1,1,0> rgb 0 mortar 0.001 }
sphere{0,333.33 // stars
hollow on
texture {
pigment {
function { StarY(x,y,z).red}
turbulence 3 scale 33 // bricks into stars
finish { diffuse 0 ambient 1 emission 1 }
radiosity {importance 0.1}
sphere{0,1 // sky color
hollow on
function {abs(y)}
[0 rgbt <0.6,0.1,0.2,0.3>]
[0.1 rgbt <0.3,0.2,0.5,0.5>]
[0.3 rgbt <0.2,0.4,0.9,0.8>]
[1 rgbt <0.1,0.3,0.9,1>]
finish{diffuse 0 ambient 1 emission 1}
scale 333
radiosity {importance 0.8}
// localized air haze
media{method 3 samples 50,50
jitter 0.1
density{spherical density_map{[0.93 rgb 0][1 rgb 0.67]}}
scale 334}
// ornaments
sphere{<3-It/12,1+It/3,0>, 1-It/40
rotate y*(360*It/6)
pigment{rgb <0,1,0>}
#if(version>3.7)fresnel 1.33 #end
ambient 0 emission 0.05
brilliance 3
diffuse albedo 0.5
specular albedo 0.9 roughness 0.01
reflection{0,1 fresnel on falloff 0.9 exponent 2}
interior{ior 1.5}
radiosity {importance 1}
sphere{<3-It/12,1+It/3,0>, 1-It/40
rotate y*(145+360*It/6)
pigment{rgb <1,0,0>}
#if(version>3.7)fresnel 1.2 #end
ambient 0 emission 0.05
brilliance 4
diffuse albedo 0.5
specular albedo 0.9 roughness 0.01
reflection{0,1 fresnel on falloff 0.9 exponent 3}
interior{ior 1.5}
radiosity {importance 1}
#end // ornaments
// ground snow
height_field {
function 500,500 {
pattern {
bozo scale 0.1
translate -0.5
scale <67,3,67>
pigment{rgb 1}
normal{bumps 0.1 scale 0.3}
finish{ambient 0.15
brilliance 0.8
diffuse albedo 0.9
specular albedo 3 roughness 0.01
crand 0.1
subsurface{translucency <0.8,0.9,1>}
pigment{bumps color_map{[0 rgb 1][0.2 rgbt 1]} scale 0.02}
//normal{bumps 0.1 scale 0.3}
finish{ambient 0.15 emission 0.05
brilliance 0.4
diffuse albedo 9
specular albedo 9 roughness 0.01
//crand 0.1
interior{ior 1.34}
translate y*0.25
radiosity {importance 0.8}
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"omniverse" <omn### [at] charter net> wrote:
> Made a Merry Christmas picture and by pure coincidence ol' St. Nick seems to
> have been reflected in some of the red ornaments. Not done on purpose. Just
> snow-reflected light.
Hey, that's pretty cool! Merry Christmas!
Dave Swaim
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"Dave Blandston" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> "omniverse" <omn### [at] charter net> wrote:
> > Made a Merry Christmas picture and by pure coincidence ol' St. Nick seems to
> > have been reflected in some of the red ornaments. Not done on purpose. Just
> > snow-reflected light.
> Hey, that's pretty cool! Merry Christmas!
> Regards,
> Dave Swaim
Thanks Dave! I can't seem to post the scene file without leaving an error or
problem but I will try a third time anyway:
/* treeless ornaments around "warm" glow */
//cmd:+am2 +a0.2 +j1
#version 3.71; // 3.7 or use 3.71 with alpha or UberPOV
#local Radiosity=on;
#local Media=on;
#local Subsurface=on;
global_settings{assumed_gamma 1.0
max_trace_level 8
radiosity{count 123
adc_bailout 1/32 // fix for blank/black areas,
// seen with 1/128, for example.
// This was 2/1 before and meant to be 1/2, oops!
// Something about HF or isosurface when used
// with radiosity?
normal on media on
} #end
subsurface{samples 60,40 radiosity on}
//mm_per_unit 50
// moonlight
area_light <5,0,0>,<0,0,5>,4,4
media_interaction off
media_attenuation off}
// warm glow light
area_light <0.33,0,0>,<0,0,0.33>,8,8 circular orient
fade_distance 9 fade_power 2
media_interaction on
media_attenuation on}
camera{location <0,2.4,-24>
up y right image_width/image_height*x
look_at <0,5,0>}
// starry sky
#declare StarY = function {
pigment { brick rgb <1,1,0> rgb 0 mortar 0.001 }
sphere{0,333.33 // stars
hollow on
texture {
pigment {
function { StarY(x,y,z).red}
turbulence 3 scale 33 // bricks into stars
finish { diffuse 0 ambient 1 emission 1 }
radiosity {importance 0.1}
sphere{0,1 // sky color
hollow on
function {abs(y)}
[0 rgbt <0.6,0.1,0.2,0.3>]
[0.1 rgbt <0.3,0.2,0.5,0.5>]
[0.3 rgbt <0.2,0.4,0.9,0.8>]
[1 rgbt <0.1,0.3,0.9,1>]
finish{diffuse 0 ambient 1 emission 1}
scale 333
radiosity {importance 0.8}
// localized air haze
media{method 3 samples 50,50 // increase to reduce banding
// jitter 0.1 // too messy?
density{spherical density_map{[0.93 rgb 0][1 rgb 0.67]}}
scale 334}
// ornaments
sphere{<3-It/12,1+It/3,0>, 1-It/40
rotate y*(360*It/6)
pigment{rgb <0,1,0>}
#if(version>3.7)fresnel 1.33 #end
ambient 0 emission 0.05
brilliance 3
diffuse albedo 0.5
specular albedo 0.9 roughness 0.01
reflection{0,1 fresnel on falloff 0.9 exponent 2}
interior{ior 1.5}
radiosity {importance 1}
sphere{<3-It/12,1+It/3,0>, 1-It/40
rotate y*(145+360*It/6)
pigment{rgb <1,0,0>}
#if(version>3.7)fresnel 1.2 #end
ambient 0 emission 0.05
brilliance 4
diffuse albedo 0.5
specular albedo 0.9 roughness 0.01
reflection{0,1 fresnel on falloff 0.9 exponent 3}
interior{ior 1.5}
radiosity {importance 1}
#end // ornaments
// ground snow
intersection { // add thickness for subsurface scattering
height_field {
function 333,333 {
pattern {
bozo scale 0.1
} // HF
translate -0.5
scale <67,3,67>
pigment{rgb 1}
normal{bumps 0.1 scale 0.3}
finish{ambient 0.15
brilliance 0.8
diffuse albedo 0.9
specular albedo 3 roughness 0.01
crand 0.1
subsurface{translucency <0.8,0.9,1>}
pigment{bumps color_map{[0 rgb 1][0.2 rgbt 1]} scale 0.02}
//normal{bumps 0.1 scale 0.3}
finish{ambient 0.15 emission 0.05
brilliance 0.4
diffuse albedo 9
specular albedo 9 roughness 0.01
//crand 0.1
interior{ior 1.34}
translate y*0.25
radiosity {importance 0.8}
} // intersection
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On 12/25/2016 7:36 AM, omniverse wrote:
> I will try a third time anyway:
I don't think that is Santa but the Grinch. :-)
It is good, though.
Happy Christmas to one and all.
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Download 'grinch.png' (323 KB)
Preview of image 'grinch.png'

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> Made a Merry Christmas picture and by pure coincidence ol' St. Nick seems to
> have been reflected in some of the red ornaments. Not done on purpose. Just
> snow-reflected light.
You can also see Frosty.
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Stephen <mca### [at] aol com> wrote:
> I don't think that is Santa but the Grinch. :-)
> It is good, though.
Thanks Stephen. I should have thought of Grinch too, yeah.
Wow, that lit up air sure is trouble to render. As is the snow if subsurface
scattering is used.
And always my main complaint, it's slooooow to render! ;) Although radiosity
alone is fast for this.
Yep, maybe frosty was getting in there too. All like anti-vampires, can't see
them just their reflections.
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"omniverse" <omn### [at] charter net> wrote:
> Made a Merry Christmas picture and by pure coincidence ol' St. Nick seems to
> have been reflected in some of the red ornaments. Not done on purpose. Just
> snow-reflected light.
> For the curious, adding scene here:
> /* treeless ornaments around "warm" glow */
A nice scene, Merry Xmas!
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