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//numbers spheres = 1000
#declare data_ParticleSystem_Sphere_shape_ob = union{
object {data_Sphere_shape_001_ob scale 0.1 translate
object {data_Sphere_shape_001_ob scale 0.1 translate
object {data_Sphere_shape_001_ob scale 0.1 translate
object {data_Sphere_shape_001_ob scale 0.1 translate
Povscene .pov:
#version 3.7;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.000000
max_trace_level 20
charset utf8
sky_sphere {
pigment {rgb<0.050, 0.050, 0.050>}
#declare Default_texture = texture{pigment {rgb 0.8}}
#declare data_Sphere_shape_ob = sphere { 0,1
#declare data_Sphere_shape_001_ob = sphere { 0,1
#include "ParticleSystem_Sphere_shape.inc"
object {data_Sphere_shape_ob
texture {Default_texture}
matrix <2.798619, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000, -2.798619,
0.000000, 2.798619, -0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>
object {data_ParticleSystem_Sphere_shape_ob texture{Default_texture}
light_source {
color rgb<1, 1, 1>
fade_distance 25.0000000000
fade_power 1
camera {
location <0,0,0>
look_at <0,0,-1>
right <-1.7777777777777777, 0, 0>
up <0, 1, 0>
angle 49.134343
rotate <-27.098163, 46.688390, -0.903519>
translate <7.481132, 5.343666, 6.507640>
Render result:
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"LanuHum" <Lan### [at] yandex ru> wrote:
> ParticleSystem_Sphere_shape.inc:
> //numbers spheres = 1000
> #declare data_ParticleSystem_Sphere_shape_ob = union{
> object {data_Sphere_shape_001_ob scale 0.1 translate
> <1.602048,2.176796,0.704082>}
> object {data_Sphere_shape_001_ob scale 0.1 translate
> <-2.709654,0.306427,-0.592914>}
> .....
> .....
> .....
> object {data_Sphere_shape_001_ob scale 0.1 translate
> <-2.061681,1.452029,1.206769>}
> object {data_Sphere_shape_001_ob scale 0.1 translate
> <1.646683,1.532989,-1.656775>}
> texture{Default_texture}
> }
> Povscene .pov:
> #version 3.7;
> global_settings {
> assumed_gamma 1.000000
> max_trace_level 20
> charset utf8
> }
> sky_sphere {
> pigment {rgb<0.050, 0.050, 0.050>}
> }
> #declare Default_texture = texture{pigment {rgb 0.8}}
> #declare data_Sphere_shape_ob = sphere { 0,1
> }
> #declare data_Sphere_shape_001_ob = sphere { 0,1
> }
> #include "ParticleSystem_Sphere_shape.inc"
> difference{
> object {data_Sphere_shape_ob
> texture {Default_texture}
> matrix <2.798619, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000, -2.798619,
> 0.000000, 2.798619, -0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>
> }
> object {data_ParticleSystem_Sphere_shape_ob texture{Default_texture}
> }
> }
> light_source {
> <5.07,5.58,4.28>
> color rgb<1, 1, 1>
> fade_distance 25.0000000000
> fade_power 1
> }
> camera {
> perspective
> location <0,0,0>
> look_at <0,0,-1>
> right <-1.7777777777777777, 0, 0>
> up <0, 1, 0>
> angle 49.134343
> rotate <-27.098163, 46.688390, -0.903519>
> translate <7.481132, 5.343666, 6.507640>
> }
> Render result:
looks like a coincident surface of two small spheres in the same place.
If it were me, I'd add each new sphere to a union and test successive ones
against being inside that union.
#declare testObj =
union {
sphere { 0.0, 1.0 }
difference {
sphere { 0.0 1.0 }
#declare A = 0;
#declare missCount = 0;
#while(A < 1000)
// generate a new point P...
#if(!inside(testObj, p))
#declare testObj =
union {
sphere { 0.0, 0.1 translate p }
sphere { 0.0, 0.1 p }
#declare A = A + 1;
#declare missCount = 0;
#declare missCount = missCount + 1;
#if(missCount = 100)
Guaranteed to give you 1000 small cutouts.
If you want to limit the amount of overlap, you can increase the size of the
spheres you add to the union.
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"Anthony D. Baye" <Sha### [at] spamnomore hotmail com> wrote:
> looks like a coincident surface of two small spheres in the same place.
> Regards,
> A.D.B.
Thank you! :))))))
It turned out that some coordinates of particles are identical.
I set check. The repeating objects don't register the exporter now.
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