clipka <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> Okay, I'm now officially frustrated by how slow that scene parses. Can
> you tell me what parameters to change so that parsing doesn't take ages?
> It's all the more important in debug mode, as everything runs far slower
> there.
Hmmm, sorry for slow parsing. Here is a faster version.
#version 3.7;
#declare RAD = 16/4;
global_settings {
#declare a_g = 2.2;
assumed_gamma a_g
max_trace_level 5
noise_generator 2
#if(RAD > 0)
radiosity {
pretrace_start 0.08
pretrace_end 0.04/RAD
count 60*RAD
nearest_count min (20, RAD)
error_bound 2/RAD
low_error_factor 0.5
recursion_limit 1
gray_threshold 0
minimum_reuse 0.015
brightness 1
adc_bailout 0.005
normal on
media on
always_sample off
#include "stdinc.inc"
sky_sphere {
pigment {
pigment_map {
[1 function {max (min (y, 1), 0)}
color_map {
[0 rgb 2.35]
[0.96 rgb 4.5]
[1 rgb 13.5]
[1 function {max (min (y, 1), 0)}
turbulence 0.2
color_map {
[0 rgbt 1]
[0.5 rgbt <0.385,0.77,1.1,1>]
rotate <0,0,-45>
light_source {
color <2.42,2.23,1.87>
area_light <100,0,0>, <0,100,0> 7, 7 adaptive 1*0 jitter circular orient
#declare camloc = <0,3.9,-5.85>;
#declare lookat = <-0.9,-0.5,0>;
camera {
location camloc
look_at lookat
right x*image_width/image_height
up y
angle 67.38*image_width/image_height*0.54
#declare SkinCol = <0.95,0.9,0.85>;
#declare T1 =
material {
texture {
pigment {color rgb SkinCol filter 0.75}
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.6}
texture {
pigment {
color_map {
[0 rgb SkinCol*0.7 filter 1]
[0.167 rgb SkinCol*1.2 transmit 0.66]
[0.333 rgb SkinCol+5 filter 0.1]
[0.5 rgb 10]
[0.667 rgb SkinCol+5 filter 0.1]
[0.833 rgb SkinCol*1.2 transmit 0.66]
[1 rgb SkinCol*0.7 filter 1]
finish {
emission SkinCol*0.01
diffuse 0.6
specular 0.1
roughness 0.03
texture {
pigment {color rgb SkinCol transmit 0.15}
finish {
emission SkinCol*0.01
diffuse 0.6
specular 0.1
roughness 0.03
normal {
dents -0.25
scale 0.002
interior {
ior 1.35
media {
scattering {1, rgb 8 extinction 0.2}
method 3
aa_level 4
intervals 1
samples 10
#declare f_radi = function {pattern {cells}}
#declare f_pig1 = function {pattern {crackle metric 1 form <0,-2,2>}}
#declare f_p =
pigment {
function {-100*f_pig1 (x-f_radi (x,y,z), y-f_radi (x,y,z), z-f_radi
#declare T2 =
material {
texture {
pigment {color rgb <65,136,166>/255}
normal {
normal_map {
[1 quilted 3
control0 0.5
control1 0.9
scale 0.24
turbulence 1
[1 bumps 0.9
warp {turbulence 1}
scale 2
[1 bumps 0.6
warp {turbulence 0.5}
scale 0.01
scale 0.05
finish {diffuse 0.5 reflection 0.01}
interior {ior 1.4}
#macro fonctionX (xx)
tan (xx)*cos (xx)
#macro fonctionY (xx)
tan (xx+pi/2)*cos (xx+pi/2)*asin (xx+pi/2)*sin (xx+pi/2)
#declare oldcoord = array [500];
#declare newcoord = array [500];
#declare oldcoord [0] = <-1214,0,0>;
#macro parabol (zmin, zmax, nbPts, a, b, c, rsphere, rcyl, rx, ry, tx, tz, id)
#local zcur = zmin;
#local step = (zmax-zmin)/nbPts;
#local index = 0;
union {
#while (zcur <= zmax)
sphere {
<0,fonctionX (zcur),fonctionY (zcur)>,
rotate rx*x
rotate ry*y
translate tx*x
translate tz*z
#if (id != 0)
#declare oldcoord [index] = newcoord [index];
#declare newcoord [index] =
vtransform (
<0,fonctionX (zcur),fonctionY (zcur)>,
transform {
rotate rx*x
rotate ry*y
translate tx*x
translate tz*z
#if (index != 0)
cylinder {
<0,fonctionX (zcur),fonctionY (zcur)>,
<0,fonctionX (zcur-step),fonctionY (zcur-step)>,
rotate rx*x
rotate ry*y
translate tx*x
translate tz*z
#local index = index+1;
#local zcur = zcur+step;
#if (id != 0)
#local index = 0;
#while (index <= nbPts)
cylinder {
oldcoord [index], newcoord [index], rcyl
#local index = index+1;
#declare birdy =
union {
#declare nbsteps = 100;
#declare index = 0;
#declare rs = 0.012;
#declare gr = 2;
#while (index <= nbsteps)
object {
parabol (0, 2*pi, 100, 1, 0, 0, rs, rs,
2*index/nbsteps*360, 0.5*index/nbsteps*360, gr*cos (index/nbsteps*2*pi), gr*sin
(index/nbsteps*2*pi), index)
#declare index = index+1;
material {T1}
object {birdy}
object {birdy scale 0.4 rotate y*140 translate <-5,-1.2,1.5>}
object {birdy scale 0.4 rotate y*280 translate <-7,-1.2,7>}
plane {
y, -2
material {T2}
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