See povray.object-collection.
The object on the left was created with Round_Cylinder_Merge() from shapes.inc.
The object of the right was created with RE_Cylinder() from roundedge.inc
version 1.3.1.
----------[BEGIN CODE]----------
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
{ location -10 * z
angle 30
light_source { <-1, 1, -1> * 1000, rgb 1 }
background { rgb 0.5 }
#include "shapes.inc"
{ Round_Cylinder_Merge (-1.5 * y, 1.5 * y, 1, 0.7)
pigment { red 1 transmit 0.5 }
finish { specular 0.25 roughness 0.025 }
translate -1.25 * x
#include "roundedge.inc"
{ RE_Cylinder (-1.5 * y, 1.5 * y, 1, 0.7, yes)
pigment { red 1 transmit 0.5 }
finish { specular 0.25 roughness 0.025 }
translate 1.25 * x
-----------[END CODE]-----------
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