I am working on another puzzle animation. It features Gumball 3K, a beautiful
18-piece burr puzzle by Stephan Baumegger, which has two hidden car pieces.
I just about finished modeling the puzzle and its solution sequence. Attached is
a still frame that shows the puzzle just after the second car piece has been
I did my best to let the textures resemble that of the actual puzzle. It's
pretty close, although I might still tweak it a bit more. I hope you like it.
Suggestions for improvement are welcome of course.
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On 5-7-2015 20:50, Eriban wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on another puzzle animation. It features Gumball 3K, a beautiful
> 18-piece burr puzzle by Stephan Baumegger, which has two hidden car pieces.
> I just about finished modeling the puzzle and its solution sequence. Attached is
> a still frame that shows the puzzle just after the second car piece has been
> removed.
> I did my best to let the textures resemble that of the actual puzzle. It's
> pretty close, although I might still tweak it a bit more. I hope you like it.
> Suggestions for improvement are welcome of course.
> Cheers,
> Erwin
Nice, especially the finish of the wood is appealing to me. I am not so
sure about the cross-section of the brown wood though; it does not look
right somehow. Maybe knowing what kind of wood it is might help; also
the relative size of the object / wood texture needs looking into.
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> Nice, especially the finish of the wood is appealing to me. I am not so
> sure about the cross-section of the brown wood though; it does not look
> right somehow. Maybe knowing what kind of wood it is might help
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your feedback. It triggered me to rework the texture of the main
puzzle parts.
Attached is an updated version. It has definitely improved, although there's
still room for further improvement. One striking difference is the change in
color. It resembles the actual puzzle now more closely, but still not perfectly.
I find it very difficult to approximate this color.
Btw, you can find photo's of the original puzzle at the Facebook site of the
puzzle designer and maker:
Note, the outer pictures show the puzzle with the wood still unprepared, whereas
the wood of the assembled puzzle has been varnished (the varnish is only applied
the outside of the puzzle though). The copy of the puzzle I have has a color
that is in-between the colors in the photo. It's less red than the varnished
puzzle, but darker than the unprepared parts.
The page also lists the actual woods that are used. Bubinga is used for the main
puzzle pieces, and the cars are created from Wenge, Palisander, Maple, Amarant,
and Beech.
> also the relative size of the object / wood texture needs looking into.
The scaling is actually already fairly okay. The different types of wood have
quite different granularity, and I already tried to match up the scales. If
anything, it's the actual patterns that need further improvement.
Anyway, thanks again for your comments. It inspired me to do some further
tweaking, which is always good.
Kind regards,
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