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I spent some time doing this to get a more variable result on my area light
I think it is very great to share this. enjoy it!
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And this one is the lambertian emission disc lighting result with the same
output power.
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files here:
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The concept is here:
I must get to work.
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If you open the folder of my example file, It contains a series of pre-traced
image like this:
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The images are the maps on spheres.
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On 06/25/2015 03:31 AM, And wrote:
> The concept is here:
> I must get to work.
Interesting. If life allows, I'll take a look at what you have posted
this coming weekend.
This concept image reminded me of an incomplete attempt I made a couple
years back to convert the Illuminating Engineering Society's .ies files
for the 3D light patterns about commercial light fixtures into spherical
transmission maps on spheres around lights in Povray.
Bill P.
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William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> Interesting. If life allows, I'll take a look at what you have posted
> this coming weekend.
> This concept image reminded me of an incomplete attempt I made a couple
> years back to convert the Illuminating Engineering Society's .ies files
> for the 3D light patterns about commercial light fixtures into spherical
> transmission maps on spheres around lights in Povray.
> Bill P.
That sounds very near. I ever saw the IES light profile, too.
This one I did is produced by the POV-Ray itself. You can design the shape of
the lamp, and give it a name and an emission object in it, then use pov-ray's
animation to pre-trace it. Then, use the output images as maps to render the
lighting effect.
Cheng han Tsai
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Besides the sphere transmit map, I explain why I say this is an area light:
The picture followed is the concept of it. The Yellow point is where the
light_source is. If there is twelve point, then resolution = 12
The picture that I rendered first has 640 light sources. And it took 5 min to
render by my fx-8350 computer. (very slow)
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