I've been working on an object for a WIP, and I originally wanted to model it as
an isosurface. I have thought of two different ways of describing the surface
unfortunately, one is far from precise and the other doesn't seem to translate
well when I make the calculations into functions.
#version 3.7;
#include "math.inc"
#default {
pigment { rgb <0.07,0.37,0.75> }
finish { ambient 0 }
#local N = 6;
#local R0 = 2;
#local S = 2 * pow( sin(pi/(2*N)), 2 );
#local A = R0 - S;
#local r = 360 / P;
#local l = 90 - r/2;
#local dS = 0.0625; // S = RT --> T = S/R tf. dT = dS/R
#local p1 = R0 * sind(l + mod(T, r));
#local p2 = p1 - A;
#local R1 = R0 - p2/sind(l + mod(T, r));
// I'm still trying to get a handle on the twist period.
#local p3 = vrotate(<R1,H,0>, (T + H*degrees((2*pi/12)))*y));
sphere { p3 0.015625 }
I've attached an image below.
I've tried saving the points as a point cloud in stanford .ply format and
importing that into MeshLab where I can calculate the Delaunay Triangulation
and vertex normals. It looks good in meshlab, but when I export it as an .obj
and import it into blender it looks all bulbous, like the normals are flipped.
I have no experience with mesh work, and I could use any suggestions.
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"Anthony D. Baye" <Sha### [at] spamnomore hotmail com> wrote:
> I've been working on an object for a WIP, and I originally wanted to model it as
> an isosurface. I have thought of two different ways of describing the surface
> unfortunately, one is far from precise and the other doesn't seem to translate
> well when I make the calculations into functions.
> #version 3.7;
> #include "math.inc"
> #default {
> pigment { rgb <0.07,0.37,0.75> }
> finish { ambient 0 }
> }
> #local N = 6;
> #local R0 = 2;
> #local S = 2 * pow( sin(pi/(2*N)), 2 );
> #local A = R0 - S;
> #local r = 360 / P;
> #local l = 90 - r/2;
> #local dS = 0.0625; // S = RT --> T = S/R tf. dT = dS/R
> #for(H,-2,2,0.03125)
> #for(T,0,360,1)
this should be #for(T,0,360,degrees(dS/R))
that's what I get for typing it from memory while I'm tired.
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