Dear everyboby,
Thank you for your hot help.I am very excited that I have solved a lot of
problems with your hot help.Yes,what I want to do is matching the POV-Ray
output with my physical measurements such as luminance(cd/m^2).I have used
spectral render.http://www.lilysoft.org/CGI/SR/Spectral%20Render.htm.
#version 3.7;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#declare SpectralWavelength =730;
#include "spectral.inc"
light_source {<sun_x,sun_y,sun_z>
SpectralEmission(E_D65) //some CIE standard illuminants
Now I want to ask a new issue:
My solar irradiance in 730nm is 1.33015(w/m^2),and I have converted irradiance
to illuminance with the lm/w in 730nm,then the value of illuminance in 730nm is
0.47262925(cd/m^2).My issue is how can I input the illminance in 730nm?
"light_source {<sun_x,sun_y,sun_z>
} "
With this light_source,the illuminance is E_D65.How can I input my
illminance?Beg you give a help!
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