"LanuHum" <Lan### [at] yandex ru> wrote:
> Hi!
> Why the caustic displays an object grid?
> How to get rid of it?
Two possible solutions:
1) Your photon 'count' may not be high enough (or photon 'spacing' might be too
2) Photon 'jitter' has a default of .4, I think. That usually results in a
slight 'banding appearance' of the photon caustics. Try using a higher value
like 1.0 instead, to see if that helps. (As an experiment, set it to 0.0 first,
to see if that makes the problem *worse*.)
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> Hi!
> Why the caustic displays an object grid?
> How to get rid of it?
Your object is obviously very close to the light_source, causing the
photons to spread a lot. What you see is not a grid but a distorted spiral.
This is caused by the spiraling pattern used to shoot photons.
Try increasing count by something like *4, if you use count, or reducing
spacing by half, if you use spacing.
Also, you may try using jitter 0.5 to 1.0 in the photons block in the
If you intend to use an area_light later, add photons{area_light} in the
light's definition. Not always usefull, but can make a huge difference
in this case.
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