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Check this stuff out:
I have not seen his work before, but it deserves mention; so I have.
Very cool effects!
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> Check this stuff out:
> http://www.codeworx.org/povray.php
> I have not seen his work before, but it deserves mention; so I have.
> Very cool effects!
> Ian
I like this works, some seems like cubism painting.
Do not judge my words, judge my actions.
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On 02/03/14 06:50, [GDS|Entropy] wrote:
> Check this stuff out:
> http://www.codeworx.org/povray.php
> I have not seen his work before, but it deserves mention; so I have.
> Very cool effects!
> Ian
Why have we never heard of this guy before? A quick glance at his images
demonstrates a seriously mature artist. The code is surprisingly simple
as well. I recommend that everyone should visit his page.
Protect the Earth
It was not given to you by your parents
You hold it in trust for your children
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> On 02/03/14 06:50, [GDS|Entropy] wrote:
>> Check this stuff out:
>> http://www.codeworx.org/povray.php
>> I have not seen his work before, but it deserves mention; so I have.
>> Very cool effects!
>> Ian
> Why have we never heard of this guy before? A quick glance at his images
> demonstrates a seriously mature artist. The code is surprisingly simple
> as well. I recommend that everyone should visit his page.
> John
Have you seen his animations? Nice!
Do not judge my words, judge my actions.
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Doctor John <j.g### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Why have we never heard of this guy before? A quick glance at his images
> demonstrates a seriously mature artist. The code is surprisingly simple
> as well. I recommend that everyone should visit his page.
> John
That was my impression as well, it is puzzling that he went so long without
I can only guess why that has been, but I have since invited the author
here...with luck, he'll show up :)
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On 02/03/14 10:12, [GDS|Entropy] wrote:
> I can only guess why that has been, but I have since invited the author
> here...with luck, he'll show up :)
Now, everybody, ACT NORMAL :-D
Protect the Earth
It was not given to you by your parents
You hold it in trust for your children
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> On 02/03/14 10:12, [GDS|Entropy] wrote:
>> I can only guess why that has been, but I have since invited the author
>> here...with luck, he'll show up :)
> Excellent!
> Now, everybody, ACT NORMAL :-D
> John
How we make, we have a great smile :;))
Do not judge my words, judge my actions.
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On 02/03/14 10:07, FractRacer wrote:
> Have you seen his animations? Nice!
Not yet. I'm having problems with my ISP; my connection keeps going up
and down faster than a w****'s knickers. When it stabilises, I'll check
them out.
Protect the Earth
It was not given to you by your parents
You hold it in trust for your children
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On 02/03/14 11:55, FractRacer wrote:
> How we make, we have a great smile :;))
That's what worries me. The lunatic on the bus (you know, the one who
always sits next to you) has a great smile too.
Protect the Earth
It was not given to you by your parents
You hold it in trust for your children
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> On 02/03/14 11:55, FractRacer wrote:
>> How we make, we have a great smile :;))
> That's what worries me. The lunatic on the bus (you know, the one who
> always sits next to you) has a great smile too.
> John
Nobody's sit next to me! I am alone waiting the bus...
Do not judge my words, judge my actions.
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