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The attached file shows two renderings of the exact same povray SDL file, one
with 3.6.2, the other with 3.7. As you can see, the figures are completely
The figures are largely composed of one large, multi-component blob, with
different textures from face to "uniform" to "hands". There are CSG operations
to cut away places for eyeballs and the mouth. Hair, earring, and eye objects
in the CSG are compleletly missing as well.
FS182 makes reference to a texture & CSG problem for blobs, and the beta log
incorrectly lists it as "Fixed or mitigated".
For backwards scene compatibility, I would recommend that this needs to be
If it helps to argue against my use being too-remote an edge case (I once heard
someone say "Povray is not a toy" in response to my work), I have a lot
of time invested in making a large suite of characters with povray in this
fashion. I was just dusting off some of these animatable characters to start
making some game sprites with them.
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Download 'povray_bug_fs_182.png' (277 KB)
Preview of image 'povray_bug_fs_182.png'

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Le 25/02/2014 12:59, gregjohn a écrit :
> The attached file shows two renderings of the exact same povray SDL file, one
> with 3.6.2, the other with 3.7. As you can see, the figures are completely
> missing.
> The figures are largely composed of one large, multi-component blob, with
> different textures from face to "uniform" to "hands". There are CSG operations
> to cut away places for eyeballs and the mouth. Hair, earring, and eye objects
> in the CSG are compleletly missing as well.
> FS182 makes reference to a texture & CSG problem for blobs, and the beta log
> incorrectly lists it as "Fixed or mitigated".
> http://bugs.povray.org/task/182
> For backwards scene compatibility, I would recommend that this needs to be
> re-opened.
Scene, please ?
May be instead of reopening #182, creating your own bug report ?
cutaway & intersection/difference is not blob specific, but look at #183.
And #115.
Just because nobody complains does not mean all parachutes are perfect.
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I'm not prepared to release the actual scene, but I did start some work on
finding a simpler scene that would make the problem appear. The code below so
far does NOT invoke the problem with 3.7, but contains the features I wouldda
guessed would be necessary.
// -- begin code to test missing persons
#declare clothtext=texture {pigment{rgb x} finish {ambient rgb 1}}
#declare bluetext= texture {pigment{rgb z} finish {ambient rgb 1}}
#declare sphereobj= sphere {<0,3,10>,4}
#declare clothtext1=
sphere{<0,3,10>,2.1 texture{clothtext1}}
cylinder{<-4,-4,10>,<4,4,10>,2 texture {clothtext1}}
threshold 0.1
cylinder{<0,-3,10>,<0,3,10>,2,1 texture {clothtext1}}
cylinder{<-5,-0,10>,<5,0,10>,2,1 texture {clothtext1}}
sphere {<0,0,9>,2.}
//-- end code
Le_Forgeron <lef### [at] free fr> wrote:
> Le 25/02/2014 12:59, gregjohn a écrit :
> > The attached file shows two renderings of the exact same povray SDL file, one
> > with 3.6.2, the other with 3.7. As you can see, the figures are completely
> > missing.
> >
> > The figures are largely composed of one large, multi-component blob, with
> > different textures from face to "uniform" to "hands". There are CSG operations
> > to cut away places for eyeballs and the mouth. Hair, earring, and eye objects
> > in the CSG are compleletly missing as well.
> >
> > FS182 makes reference to a texture & CSG problem for blobs, and the beta log
> > incorrectly lists it as "Fixed or mitigated".
> >
> > http://bugs.povray.org/task/182
> >
> > For backwards scene compatibility, I would recommend that this needs to be
> > re-opened.
> >
> Scene, please ?
> May be instead of reopening #182, creating your own bug report ?
> cutaway & intersection/difference is not blob specific, but look at #183.
> And #115.
> --
> Just because nobody complains does not mean all parachutes are perfect.
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Am 25.02.2014 12:59, schrieb gregjohn:
> The attached file shows two renderings of the exact same povray SDL file, one
> with 3.6.2, the other with 3.7. As you can see, the figures are completely
> missing.
> The figures are largely composed of one large, multi-component blob, with
> different textures from face to "uniform" to "hands". There are CSG operations
> to cut away places for eyeballs and the mouth. Hair, earring, and eye objects
> in the CSG are compleletly missing as well.
> FS182 makes reference to a texture & CSG problem for blobs, and the beta log
> incorrectly lists it as "Fixed or mitigated".
> http://bugs.povray.org/task/182
> For backwards scene compatibility, I would recommend that this needs to be
> re-opened.
What makes you think the problem you are experiencing is in any way
related to FS#182?
Note that FS#182 speaks about a wrong texture being applied, not about
the whole thing vanishing.
My first guess is rather that it might have to do with changes in some
numeric limits from 3.6 to 3.7; how large is the "blobject" in POV units?
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Am 26.02.2014 18:51, schrieb gregjohn:
> I'm not prepared to release the actual scene, but I did start some work on
> finding a simpler scene that would make the problem appear. The code below so
> far does NOT invoke the problem with 3.7, but contains the features I wouldda
> guessed would be necessary.
Uh... yeah, that is certainly very... ahem... helpful...
(*tries not to scream*)
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