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Poser hair guides on the left, "proof of concept" test render of 500 red,
randomly placed sphere_sweep "hairs" on the right (the Poser hair guide splines
used for interpolation are thicker and darker).
The process in a nutshell is:
For each hair -
1) From bounding box center of the follicleSurface mesh outward in some
random direction.
2) If the ray hits the mesh then that trace point becomes the root of a hair.
3) interpolate a new, distance-weighted spline (hair) between the two guide
hair splines having roots closest to the traced root.
With these large "wires" going into the scalp it seems a bit android-like; gives
me so many side-tracking new ideas...
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Download 'poserhairguidestointerpolatedspheresweeps.jpg' (192 KB)
Preview of image 'poserhairguidestointerpolatedspheresweeps.jpg'

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Poser dynamic hair guides spline interpolation
Date: 18 Feb 2014 03:38:49
Message: <53031c19$1@news.povray.org>
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On 17-2-2014 20:50, Robert McGregor wrote:
> Poser hair guides on the left, "proof of concept" test render of 500 red,
> randomly placed sphere_sweep "hairs" on the right (the Poser hair guide splines
> used for interpolation are thicker and darker).
> The process in a nutshell is:
> For each hair -
> 1) From bounding box center of the follicleSurface mesh outward in some
> random direction.
> 2) If the ray hits the mesh then that trace point becomes the root of a hair.
> 3) interpolate a new, distance-weighted spline (hair) between the two guide
> hair splines having roots closest to the traced root.
> With these large "wires" going into the scalp it seems a bit android-like; gives
> me so many side-tracking new ideas...
Interesting! So, to see if I understand correctly, what you are saying
is that you /only/ use the guide hairs from Poser and
generate/extrapolate the hairdo from there? No need to use the fully
populated Poser hair? That is a great approach and probably faster than
generating sphere_sweeps from /all/ the individual Poser hairs, which
was the thought I was following until now. Well done!
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> Interesting! So, to see if I understand correctly, what you are saying
> is that you /only/ use the guide hairs from Poser and
> generate/extrapolate the hairdo from there? No need to use the fully
> populated Poser hair? That is a great approach and probably faster than
> generating sphere_sweeps from /all/ the individual Poser hairs, which
> was the thought I was following until now. Well done!
That's correct Thomas, it allows creation of any number of hairs. In this
example I randomly interpolated between 2, 3 or 4 nearest guides to get
different "layers" of hair. These even more android-like R, G and B tubes are:
Red - interpolate nearest 2 guides
Green - interpolate nearest 3 guides
Blue - interpolate nearest 4 guides
Just having fun experimenting with this right now; I see the potential for many
other applications of this basic technique.
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Download 'poserhairtest_3shell.png' (567 KB)
Preview of image 'poserhairtest_3shell.png'

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Poser dynamic hair guides spline interpolation
Date: 18 Feb 2014 10:12:22
Message: <53037856$1@news.povray.org>
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On 18-2-2014 14:55, Robert McGregor wrote:
> That's correct Thomas, it allows creation of any number of hairs. In this
> example I randomly interpolated between 2, 3 or 4 nearest guides to get
> different "layers" of hair. These even more android-like R, G and B tubes are:
> Red - interpolate nearest 2 guides
> Green - interpolate nearest 3 guides
> Blue - interpolate nearest 4 guides
> Just having fun experimenting with this right now; I see the potential for many
> other applications of this basic technique.
Fascinating! This is going much better than I ever dreamed. It is going
to make use of Poser dynamic hair much easier and much better.
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On 18/02/2014 3:12 PM, Thomas de Groot wrote:
>> Just having fun experimenting with this right now; I see the potential
>> for many
>> other applications of this basic technique.
> Fascinating! This is going much better than I ever dreamed. It is going
> to make use of Poser dynamic hair much easier and much better.
Seconded! More power to your elbow.
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