I just tried converting black body spectra to sRGB colors as a sanity check for
a spectral rendering test. The hues match the output of CIE.inc's Blackbody();
but I don't understand why the 5778 K color is so dark, since the spectral curve
has so much more light than the other two curves, especially in the wavelengths
at which we are most sensitive. Is there something I did wrong or left out?
Here is the SDL for the image. It requres module SphereSweep from the Object
Collection (and, of course, Lightsys IV). The code for the spectrum image
backdrop is omitted, because it references a private include file.
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
#include "shapes.inc"
#include "spheresweep.inc"
#include "CIE.inc"
//#include "spectrum.inc"
//#include "starcolors.inc"
#declare YTOP = 158;
#declare YBOTTOM = 28;
#declare MIDDLE = 565;
#declare ALIGN = 200 / image_width;
#declare RW = 160/3;
#declare SHORTEST = 380;
#declare LONGEST = 760;
#declare STEP = 5;
#declare N = (LONGEST - SHORTEST) / STEP + 1;
#declare S_FONT = "LiberationSans-Bold.ttf" //substitute your own
#declare S_NARROW = "LiberationSansNarrow-Bold.ttf" //substitute your own
#declare S_LIGHT = "LiberationSans-Regular.ttf" //substitute your own
{ orthographic
location <MIDDLE - ALIGN, 150, -100>
right 400 * x
up 300 * y
light_source { -100 * z, rgb 1 parallel point_at 0 }
#default { finish { ambient 0 diffuse 1 } }
#declare fn_Index2Wavelength = function (x) { SHORTEST + x * STEP }
#macro Show_spectrum (Kelvins, X)
#local Max = 0;
#local Fluxes = array[N]
#local GraphPts = array[N]
//Get fluxes by wavelength
#local I = 0;
#for (I, 0, N-1)
#local Fluxes[I] =
PlanckBlackBody (fn_Index2Wavelength (I) * 1e-9, Kelvins);
#local Max = max (Max, Fluxes[I]);
#for (I, 0, N-1)
#local Fluxes[I] = Fluxes[I] / Max;
#local GraphPts[I] =
<fn_Index2Wavelength (I), YBOTTOM + Fluxes[I] * (YTOP - YBOTTOM), 0>;
//Get the color
#local Flux_map = spline
{ natural_spline
#for (I, 0, N-1)
fn_Index2Wavelength (I), Fluxes[I]
#local c_Color = rgb Emissive2RGB (Flux_map);
{ object
{ Round_Box_Union (<-RW, -50, 0>, <RW, 50, 20>, 4)
pigment { c_Color }
finish { brilliance 0.75 }
{ Center_Object
( text
{ ttf S_FONT concat (str(Kelvins,0,0), " K") 1, 0
translate 0.5 * y scale 18
( text
{ ttf S_NARROW concat ("<", vstr (3, c_Color, ", ", 0, 3), ">") 1, 0
translate -0.5 * y scale 12
( text
{ ttf S_FONT concat ("gray = ", str (c_Color.gray, 0, 3)) 1, 0
translate -1.5 * y scale 12
pigment { rgb 0 }
translate -z
translate <MIDDLE + X - ALIGN, 230, 0>
#local Radii = array[1] { 2 }
{ SphereSweep_Union (SSWP_NATURAL_SPLINE, GraphPts, Radii, 5)
pigment { c_Color }
finish { brilliance 2 }
//Show_spectrum (StarColors_BV2temp (-0.3), -2*RW - 20)
Show_spectrum (30255.637184, -2*RW - 20)
Show_spectrum (5778, 0)
//Show_spectrum (StarColors_BV2temp (1.9), 2*RW + 20)
Show_spectrum (2716.683768, 2*RW + 20)
//================================= BACKDROP ===================================
/* [snip spectrum image code] */
#for (Wl, 400, 750, 50)
{ Center_Object (text { ttf S_LIGHT str(Wl,0,0) 1, 0 }, x)
scale 10
translate <Wl, YBOTTOM - 10, 0>
pigment { rgb 0.5 }
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