Am 10.11.2013 22:18, schrieb StephenS:
> clipka <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
>> Am 14.10.2013 21:56, schrieb StephenS:
>>> A gray scale anaglyph viewable with red/cyan 3d glasses.
>> One of those days I'll have to implement some stereo rendering mode into
>> POV-Ray.
> Oh yes please ;-)
... with all bells & whistles of course, like plenty choices of output
formats: Greyscale anaglyph, color anaglyph, separate output images,
side-by-side output in a single image (your choice of crossover or
non-crossover), OpenEXR stereo format, and whatever else might be
popular by then.
Maybe I'll even add GIF output support along the way, for stuff akin to
Oh, do I need to mention that you shouldn't hold your breath? ;-)
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