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Dear povray friends
I wish you all a merry christmas, with my 2012 povray christmas picture.
Every year since 1990 I have made a raytraced christmas cards. Since the late
nineties I have used povray, and it is still my favorit raytracer.
All the old ones can be seen on www.sonnet.dk/julekort
I wish you all the best, and hope povray will continue to be the best open
source raytracer.
Thomas Sonne Olesen
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> I wish you all a merry christmas, with my 2012 povray christmas picture.
nice one, although I have to nitpick about the point lights
projecting through the windows ;)
Also, the trees are far more abstract than the rest of the
scene, but that effect may be intended.
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On 8-12-2012 2:21, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
>> I wish you all a merry christmas, with my 2012 povray christmas picture.
> nice one, although I have to nitpick about the point lights
> projecting through the windows ;)
Povers /always/ nitpick. That's in their genes ;-)
> Also, the trees are far more abstract than the rest of the
> scene, but that effect may be intended.
another one: the brick texture could be translated a tiny bit along x
and z to avoid mortar on the brick faces.
Nice image, and thanks!
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Christian Froeschlin <chr### [at] chrfr de> wrote:
> > I wish you all a merry christmas, with my 2012 povray christmas picture.
> nice one, although I have to nitpick about the point lights
> projecting through the windows ;)
> Also, the trees are far more abstract than the rest of the
> scene, but that effect may be intended.
It is indeed intented. I dont want to make a picture that is so realistic
that dummy's might think it a photo, so I always keep som part in a naive stile.
I has to be clear that it is computer graphic - but hopefully amazing computer
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Very nicely done. I like the 'stylized' look of the scene.
Happy Holidays to you, too.
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>tpso on date 07/12/2012 23.55 wrote:
> Dear povray friends
> I wish you all a merry christmas, with my 2012 povray christmas picture.
> Every year since 1990 I have made a raytraced christmas cards. Since the late
> nineties I have used povray, and it is still my favorit raytracer.
> All the old ones can be seen on www.sonnet.dk/julekort
> I wish you all the best, and hope povray will continue to be the best open
> source raytracer.
> Thomas Sonne Olesen
Very nice, I especially like the light projected through the windows.
Merry Christmas to you all!
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