A few years ago I wrote a little program to generate strange attractors based on
a random seed. If I saw a result that I found interesting I saved the data as a
100k array of POV-Ray vectors. Nearly forgotten, the datasets then simply
collected dust on my hard drive until I rediscovered them a couple of days ago
and decided to actually do something with them. I made a little morph animation
test way back when, and since I've been having fun making POV-Ray videos the
last couple of weeks I decided to try this in HD.
So, set against the backdrop of soothing music by Norway's Dimmu Borgir, this
two minute video I just finished is the result of morphing 20 of my favorite
strange attractor patterns into a sort of chaotic particle dance using POV-Ray
3.7 to interpolate and animate the various particle arrays:
And just for fun here's an amalgamation of all 20 attractors from the video
composited together via my Pigment_Screen() macro and a healthy dose of focal
blur to melt the particles into light streams... hmm, I'm going to have to try
this as a psychedelic height field...
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