> Hi! Unexpected crimson artefacts on dark grey knight. I expect they are from the
> no_image no_shadow rook throwing the reflection. I didn't notice any artifacts
> from the other knight on the other rook on the right. Any suggestions on how I
> might get rid of the artefacts? Acknowledging the original work on which this is
> based - chess2.pov by Ville Saari
> Image at: http://tinyurl.com/RooKnight
As I see it, the no_image knight have a lot more effect on the rook.
If you switch the pieces, that will become realy obvious.
The black rectangle on the left of the rook realy looks like the
reflection of the interior of the knight's nose. Same thing for the
darker area lower on, partialy hiden by the reduced reflection and more
pronounced pigment that correspond to the knight's neck.
Reflecting black can more easily be dismissed than reflecting red.
A solution would be to remove all reflection from the pieces. You could
also reduce said reflections. Not practical for the rook.
You can also test with
interior_texture{pigment{rgbt 1}finish{reflection 0}}
added to both pieces. That way, the inside will be totaly transparent,
preventing it to show up in the reflections.
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Alain <aze### [at] qwerty org> wrote:
> A solution would be to remove all reflection from the pieces. You could
> also reduce said reflections. Not practical for the rook.
> You can also test with
> interior_texture{pigment{rgbt 1}finish{reflection 0}}
> added to both pieces. That way, the inside will be totaly transparent,
> preventing it to show up in the reflections.
I tested the second option, but there appeared to be secondary issues, so I
removed the reflection from the pieces. I'll pursue this further when available
time is more plentiful.
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