Christian Froeschlin <chr### [at] chrfr de> wrote:
> psychedelic but nice. Reminds me of a bulkhead from Alien ;)
Thanks... In cyberspace, no one can hear you giggle.
"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] earthlink net> wrote:
> Hypnotic! And I'm frankly amazed at the *quality* of the animation, from a GIF
> file; I didn't think it was possible. Is that due to the limited color palette,
> only shades of red and blue?
> Ken
Thanks... and exactly right... Being a dedicated practitioner of economic
efficiency (cheapskate), I do as much as I possibly can with freeware. I was
able to dig up a copy of the freeware version of Ulead Gif Animator, which has
some pretty nice file size reduction tools for something with a cost of zero.
One would definitely notice more dramatic adverse effects of reducing the size
of the color palette if there were a broader rage of colors. Also, a flat
black background creates many redundant pixels that can be removed from every
frame but the first. Finally, relatively rapid motion covers up a world of
fudge factors.
Best Regards,
Mike C.
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