I've made my first sale of a product on Zazzle with an image made with POV-Ray!
The tie was specifically designed for the parent company of the logistics
company that I do computer work for. The tile pattern is made up of their logo
(that "W" shape made up of purple and B&W gradient trapezoids and blank spaces
of the same shape.) The taper effect was created by simply image mapping the
tile pattern on to a box and rotating it about the x-axis. The glass globe with
purple continents was suggested by the company web site, where the top half of a
somewhat simpler version of such an object appears in header section.
I ordered one copy of the tie (partly for promotional use and partly just to see
a physical sample) and sent it off to the CEO as a gift. Less than a week
later, the Chicago sales office purchased a dozen! If you take shipping costs
into account, I'm now less than two dollars in the hole for the overall
enterprise. ;-)
Most importantly, the event has renewed my enthusiasm for trying to design
things someone might actually buy. My "Zazzle Store" is currently pretty much
non-existent except for what the site creates automatically, so I suppose that
creating some graphics to spruce it up should be my next step.
Here's a link to where the tie can be seen on Zazzle:
It's a "private" listing, since there's very little chance anyone who doesn't
work for the company will want to buy a tie covered with the company logo.
I just wanted to share this with folks and take a moment to (once again) say
thanks to the POV-Ray team.
Best Regrads,
Mike C.
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