On Fri, 28 May 2010 17:47:22 +0200, Alain <aze### [at] qwertyorg> wrote:
>> Do your raindrops have hollow and double_illuminate on? If not, it mi
>> make a difference.
>> -Nekar Xenos-
> hollow have absolutely nothing to do here. It's one and only function
> to allow an object to contain a media.
> As the drops are transparent (rgbt 1), double_illuminate will have no
> effect at all.
> So, no, having those on can't make any difference.
> Alain
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What we see here is a desert plant in the area of Azhar Munir, the oasis of
the Desert of Sybbia, Kuwait, shortly after the Battle of Kuwait in 1990.
Iraqui troops have destroyed the oil plants of Kuwait, and as a result of
the huge amounts of oil set free, this plant has it's leafs covered by oil
Well done, Dream!
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