This puts the eyes back in, centers body and uses the uv maps.
/*Use Poseray to get the Dolphin from:
http://www.3dnuts.com/models.shtml */
global_settings {
max_trace_level 10
#declare camlookat = <0,0,0>;
#declare camloc = <0,57,-250>*2.7;
camera { perspective
location camloc
right vnormalize(vcross(y,camlookat-camloc))//len = 1 for correct fov
up vnormalize(vcross(camlookat-camloc,vcross(y,camlookat-camloc)))
direction vnormalize(camlookat-camloc)*(image_height/image_width)
angle 12
light_source { <0,100,-800> color rgb .99 }
#include "dolphin_tex_geom.inc"
#declare p_map1=pigment {image_map{jpeg "dolpheye.jpg"
interpolate 2 transmit all 0 filter all 0} }
#declare p_map2=pigment {image_map{jpeg "dolphtex.jpg"
interpolate 2 transmit all 0 filter all 0} }
#declare p_map3=normal {bump_map{jpeg "dolphtex.jpg" interpolate 2} }
#declare eyetex_=
pigment{ p_map1}
finish{ ambient 0.4 phong .5 phong_size 450 roughness 0.05 reflection 0.05 }
#declare doltex_=
texture{ pigment{ p_map2}
normal{ p_map3 bump_size 0}
finish{ ambient 0.4 phong .5 phong_size 450 roughness 0.05 reflection 0.05 }
#declare _dolphin_doltex_ = object { dolphin_doltex_ translate x*33-.715 }
#declare _dolphin_eyetex_ = object { dolphin_eyetex_ translate x*-.82
uv_mapping material{eyetex_} }
#declare _dolphin_eyetex_r =
intersection {
box { < 10,140,-125 > < 25,160,-100 > }
object { _dolphin_eyetex_ }
translate x*-(20-4.7)
translate y*-151
rotate z*90
translate x*(20-4.7)
translate y*151
#declare _dolphin_eyetex_l =
intersection {
box { < 10,140,-125 > < 25,160,-100 > }
object { _dolphin_eyetex_ }
translate x*-(20-4.7)
translate y*-151
rotate z*90
translate x*(20-4.7)
rotate z*180
translate y*151
union {
object{ _dolphin_eyetex_r }
object{ _dolphin_eyetex_l }
object{_dolphin_doltex_ uv_mapping material{doltex_} }
translate z*25 // center on belly was nowhere
scale .27
rotate x*-90
rotate y*-90
//rotate x*35
//translate y*50
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"alphaQuad" <alp### [at] earthlinknet> wrote:
> This puts the eyes back in, centers body and uses the uv maps.
> /*Use Poseray to get the Dolphin from:
> http://www.3dnuts.com/models.shtml */
Just tried the link and they rebuilding so you may not find it, figures.
I could send it if you want it that bad.
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