"m_a_r_c" <jac### [at] wanadoofr> wrote:
> web.48ef28404043d79976c94c3e0@news.povray.org...> >> Well... so what?>> Marc
Hello Marc
POV-Ray 3.7: the rectangle in the sphere is not an (No AA) artifact?
With POV-Ray 3.6 (No AA), the rectangle does not appear.
> "m_a_r_c" <jac### [at] wanadoofr> wrote:>> web.48ef28404043d79976c94c3e0@news.povray.org...>> >>> Well... so what?>>>> Marc>> Hello Marc>> POV-Ray 3.7: the rectangle in the sphere is not an (No AA) artifact?>> With POV-Ray 3.6 (No AA), the rectangle does not appear.>
That's better with some comments ;-)
I have no clue though :-(