"David Buck" <dav### [at] simberoncom> schreef in bericht
> Well, I'm not part of the POV-Ray development team any more and haven't
> been for over 12 years, so it's not really end-user support - consider
> it peer-to-peer support. In any event, it's my pleasure. I always like
> seeing creative scenes that people make with POV-Ray and if I can do
> some small amount of work to help them, I'm happy. I look forward to
> seeing your pictures.
Thanks a lot David! I shall also download the zip and 3.6.0 version and get
to work!
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David Buck wrote:
> There's a value called EPSILON (see frame.h) which defines a small value
> and anything smaller would be considered 0 in some of the calculations.
> This value is set to 1e-10 which is dangerously close in magnitude to 1
> / 90,000,000 (the scale of Ringworld).
To which version of PoV-Ray do you refer? When I played around with very
small objects some years ago (must have been version 3.1), I found out
that everything smaller than about 1/12,000 unit was not rendered
anymore... so I wonder that nowdays epsilon should have been lowered
down to 1e-10, which is a cool six orders of magnitude smaller!
See you in Khyberspace!
Now playing: Tubular Bells Part 2 (Mike Oldfield)
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