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The cubic spline sphere sweep in the scene below is clipped. Adding a
manual bounded_by statement has no effect. The problem is reminiscent of
FS#243, except that I have not scaled the object.
The object's shadow is also clipped in the 3.7 scene, although not to the
same extent as the object itself. The shadow is not clipped in earlier
versions of POV-Ray. (Has any work been done on FS#81 that could account
for this difference?)
The transparent blue spheres were added to show the control points.
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
{ location <0.0, 1.5, -8.5>
look_at <0.0, 1.5, 0.0>
angle 29
light_source { <-4.562, 10.625, -7.902>, rgb 1 }
box { <-10, 0, -10>, <10, 12, 10> hollow pigment { rgb 1 } }
{ ttf "cyrvetic.ttf" str(version,0,2) 0.001, 0
scale 0.3 translate <-0.25, 1.4, 0>
pigment { rgb 0 }
#declare Marker = sphere
{ 0, 0.12
pigment { rgbt <0, 0, 1, 0.7> }
#declare R = 0.07;
{ sphere_sweep
{ cubic_spline 6,
<1, -1>, R,
<-1, -1>, R,
<-1, 1>, R,
<1, 1>, R,
<1, -1>, R,
<-1, -1>, R
bounded_by { box { -<1.5, 1.5, R>, <1.5, 1.5, R> } }
pigment { red 1 }
object { Marker translate <1, 1> }
object { Marker translate <1, -1> }
object { Marker translate <-1, -1> }
object { Marker translate <-1, 1> }
translate 1.5 * y
POV-Ray versions: 3.5, 3.6.1, and 3.7.RC7
Operating System: openSUSE 12.2 Linux
CPU: Dell Inspiron 17R, Intel Core i7
<Insert witty .sig here>
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Preview of image 'cubic_sweep_bound_bug.3.5.jpg'

Preview of image 'cubic_sweep_bound_bug.3.6.jpg'

Preview of image 'cubic_sweep_bound_bug.jpg'

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Strange thing here (in v3.62): Just changing your R variable to be larger
results in the entire sphere_sweep showing up successfully. (R of somewhere
around 0.19 to 0.20.) Likewise making it smaller than your 0.07 causes more of
the sweep to be clipped (except at the very corners.) And as you say, the
bounding_box (whether used or not) has no effect, nor does your translation.
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Apparent bounding bug in sphere_sweep
Date: 29 Apr 2013 03:25:51
Message: <517e207f@news.povray.org>
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Strange. I cannot confirm the problem if I copy the sphere_sweep code
into my own scene. I shows with /your/ scene code.
#version 3.7;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
camera {
location <0.0, 1.5, -4.0>
direction 1.5*z
right x*image_width/image_height
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>
sky_sphere {
pigment {
gradient y
color_map {
[0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
[0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]
light_source {
<0, 0, 0> // light's position (translated below)
color rgb <1, 1, 1> // light's color
translate <-30, 30, -30>
#declare R = 0.07;
{ cubic_spline 6,
<1, -1>, R,
<-1, -1>, R,
<-1, 1>, R,
<1, 1>, R,
<1, -1>, R,
<-1, -1>, R
bounded_by { box { -<1.5, 1.5, R>, <1.5, 1.5, R> } }
pigment { red 1 }
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Preview of image 'spheresweep_test.png'

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"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> And as you say, the
> bounding_box (whether used or not) has no effect, nor does your translation.
Sorry, what I meant was that making the bounding box *larger* (or not using it
at all) has no effect on the problem.
Thomas's results are indeed strange.
But I just discovered something: Turning Bounding=off (or making
Bounding_Threshold some large value) makes the entire sphere_sweep appear, no
problem. So it seems to be some kind of weird bounding problem.
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"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> But I just discovered something: Turning Bounding=off (or making
> Bounding_Threshold some large value) makes the entire sphere_sweep appear, no
> problem. So it seems to be some kind of weird bounding problem.
....in v3.62, that is.
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Ok, this is weird.. I simply move the translate up inside the sphere_sweep
object and added a second union around the markers and got the image below in
I was previously seeing the same result as you with the bounding issue.
{ sphere_sweep
{ cubic_spline 6,
<1, -1>, R,
<-1, -1>, R,
<-1, 1>, R,
<1, 1>, R,
<1, -1>, R,
<-1, -1>, R
bounded_by { box { -<1.5, 1.5, R>, <1.5, 1.5, R> } }
pigment { red 1 }
translate 1.5 * y
object { Marker translate <1, 1> }
object { Marker translate <1, -1> }
object { Marker translate <-1, -1> }
object { Marker translate <-1, 1> }
translate 1.5*y
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Preview of image 'sd.png'

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On 29-4-2013 10:55, s.day wrote:
> Ok, this is weird.. I simply move the translate up inside the sphere_sweep
> object and added a second union around the markers and got the image below in
> 3.7...
> I was previously seeing the same result as you with the bounding issue.
> union
> { sphere_sweep
> { cubic_spline 6,
> <1, -1>, R,
> <-1, -1>, R,
> <-1, 1>, R,
> <1, 1>, R,
> <1, -1>, R,
> <-1, -1>, R
> bounded_by { box { -<1.5, 1.5, R>, <1.5, 1.5, R> } }
> pigment { red 1 }
> translate 1.5 * y
> }
> union
> {
> object { Marker translate <1, 1> }
> object { Marker translate <1, -1> }
> object { Marker translate <-1, -1> }
> object { Marker translate <-1, 1> }
> translate 1.5*y
> }
> }
> Sean
but if you comment bounded_by out, the problem reappears...
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...in other words, why is bounded_by essential here? I myself never use
this with sphere_sweeps and never had a problem.
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Am 29.04.2013 13:24, schrieb Thomas de Groot:
> ....in other words, why is bounded_by essential here? I myself never use
> this with sphere_sweeps and never had a problem.
The obvious answer is, "because sphere_sweep automatic bounding is
unreliable" :-)
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On 29-4-2013 13:29, clipka wrote:
> Am 29.04.2013 13:24, schrieb Thomas de Groot:
>> ....in other words, why is bounded_by essential here? I myself never use
>> this with sphere_sweeps and never had a problem.
> The obvious answer is, "because sphere_sweep automatic bounding is
> unreliable" :-)
Right. I could have expected that answer ;-)
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