This actually isn't so far off from what I really want. It is amazing how
much a year off rectifies code blindness. :)
I chose a genus 1 object (torus) because it met all testing requirements
with greatest simplicity of implementation. I am using a very simple
texture here, but I have a test currently rendering which uses my slope
based snow/ice textures, but those take a very long time even without
Goals now accomplished (attempting to mimic nature):
1) Blobbing of icicles with each other
2) Blobbing of icicles with the main snow object
3) Ice coating of the main object
4) Speed improvements
5) Icicle/snow shape accuracy improvements
6) Macro is object agnostic
7) Macro can be applied to any area/csg
Halton distribution test is on the list now, as well as iteration
improvements, as some effects currently take millions of iterations.
Despite this, the parse times are quite reasonable (1-15min)...I just feel
that this can be optimized further. This uses a single blob layer, mostly
because you cannot have a blob of blobs. :(
Surprisingly few lines of code are required to accomplish this, and if I
formatted my code less, and used less #local variables I could get it
under 150 lines easily. Obviously I am counting only the macro, and not
textures/scene objects.
I have more complicated object tests (simple recursive tree tests)
currently rendering which I will post as follow ups.
Advice and suggestions are welcome.
Ian McDonald
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>[GDS|Entropy] on date 06/12/2010 08:39 wrote:
> This actually isn't so far off from what I really want. It is amazing
> how much a year off rectifies code blindness. :)
> I chose a genus 1 object (torus) because it met all testing requirements
> with greatest simplicity of implementation. I am using a very simple
> texture here, but I have a test currently rendering which uses my slope
> based snow/ice textures, but those take a very long time even without
> radiosity/photons...
> Goals now accomplished (attempting to mimic nature):
> 1) Blobbing of icicles with each other
> 2) Blobbing of icicles with the main snow object
> 3) Ice coating of the main object
> 4) Speed improvements
> 5) Icicle/snow shape accuracy improvements
> 6) Macro is object agnostic
> 7) Macro can be applied to any area/csg
> Halton distribution test is on the list now, as well as iteration
> improvements, as some effects currently take millions of iterations.
> Despite this, the parse times are quite reasonable (1-15min)...I just
> feel that this can be optimized further. This uses a single blob layer,
> mostly because you cannot have a blob of blobs. :(
> Surprisingly few lines of code are required to accomplish this, and if I
> formatted my code less, and used less #local variables I could get it
> under 150 lines easily. Obviously I am counting only the macro, and not
> textures/scene objects.
> I have more complicated object tests (simple recursive tree tests)
> currently rendering which I will post as follow ups.
> Advice and suggestions are welcome.
> Ian McDonald
It looks /coold/ ;-)
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