See povray.beta-test.
Note the red and white fringes in the images with the respective POV
background colors. The screen shots are from Opera, but Micro$oft
Internet Explorer and Google Chrome show the same result. Also, it
doesn't matter whether +AM1 or +AM2 is used.
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
sphere { 0, 1 pigment { rgb 1 } }
light_source { <-1, 1, -1> * 1000, rgb 1 }
{ location <0, 0, -2.5>
right x
#switch (mod (frame_number - 1, 4))
#case (0) #break
#case (1) background { rgb 0 transmit 1 } #break
#case (2) background { rgb x transmit 1 } #break
#case (3) background { rgb 1 transmit 1 } #break
<Insert witty .sig here>
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Preview of image 'alpha_background-screenshot2.png'
