"Cipped" away about half of 9000 cells. Increasing chance on a "grain"
along y axis, so the lower ones will be bigger.
#version 3.7;
global_settings{assumed_gamma 1.0}
#default{finish{ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9}}
#include "math.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"
#include "rand.inc"
// run: scene
// run: voro++pov.py -c "%i %q %w %p %s %t %l" -o -v -1 40 -1 40 -1 40
// run: scene
perspective angle 50
location <0,30,-100>
look_at <0,-5,0>
light_source{< -500,300,-500> rgb <0.3,0.3,0.6>}
light_source{<1500,3000,-30> rgb 1}
#macro VoroPolygons(Normals, FaceIndex, Vertices)
Creates a single voronoi cell from data generated by Voro++ by
a polygon per face.
Normals (arr, vec) : an array of normals
FaceIndex (arr, int) : an array with indices that points to vertices
Vertices (arr, vec) : an array with vertices of the cell faces
#local Length = dimension_size(FaceIndex,1);
#local Voro = union{
#local VertexIndices = FaceIndex[Face];
#local Normal = Normals[Face];
#local Distance = vdot(Normal,Vertices[VertexIndices[0]]);
#local Transform = transform{translate Normal*Distance};//*scale
#local VILength = dimension_size(VertexIndices,1);
#local Index = VertexIndices[VertexIndex];
#local Vertex = Vertices[Index];
#local Vertex = VProject_Plane(Vertex, Normal);
#local Vertex = vtransform(Vertex, Transform);
#if (VertexIndex = 0)
#local P0 = Vertex;
#macro Id2Coord(Id, Xn, Yn)
#local Zi = floor(Id/(Xn*Yn));
#local Yi = floor((Id-Zi*Xn*Yn)/Xn);
#local Xi = Id-(Zi*Xn*Yn)-(Yi*Xn);
#macro Coord2Id(Coord, Xn, Yn)
#declare OutFile = "vorobox.txt";
#declare IncFile = "vorobox.inc";
#declare Stream = seed(7);
#declare N = 40;
#declare N3 = pow(N,3);
#declare arrGrid = array[N3];
// first run
#fopen Voro OutFile write
#declare Coord = Id2Coord(I,N,N);
#declare Probability = pow(10, 3*(Coord.y+1)/N)/1000;
#if(Prob(Probability, Stream))
#declare Point = VRand(Stream) + Coord;
#write(Voro,I," ",Point.x," ",Point.y," ",Point.z,"\n")
// second run
#include IncFile
#debug concat(IncFile,"\n")
#declare Length = dimension_size(Labels,1);
#declare Label = Labels[I];
#declare Coord = Id2Coord(Label, N, N);
#declare Point = Points[I];
#declare Normals = FaceNormal[I];
#declare FaceIndex = FaceVerticesIndex[I];
#declare Vertices = RelVertices[I];
object{VoroPolygons(Normals, FaceIndex, Vertices) scale 0.9
translate Point pigment{rgb 1}}
translate <-N/2,-N/2,-N/2>
rotate <0,-45,0>
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