William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> Neat! I'd like to see the source code.
> Bill P.
I was interested too, and just grabbed some info from Wikipedia and worked out
something functional.
My head was not in "function-space" at the time, so I just embedded the formulas
in the loop.
I think initially I was going to try to make it an isosurface...
The HSV to RGB macros are copied into the SDL to keep the parse time down, as I
haven't had the roundtuits to install 3.71-etc
I was surprised and delighted to see how closely related these are to Lissajous
figures, which I was just recently fiddling with. I guess if there's no
damping, then they are identical things.
I haven't implemented the moving paper portion of the code yet.
Now we just need an animated inverse kinematic harmonograph machine to go with
the output... :D
I haven't gotten anything near as beautiful as Anthraquinone did - I guess it's
all in the skill of acquiring a good feel for the oscillation parameters, and
writing up a nice texture for the trace.
#version 3.7;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
#include "colors.inc"
#include "consts.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#declare Size = 20;
camera {
location <0, 0, -Size*2> // Front
//location <0, Size*3, 10> // Top
look_at <0, 0, 10>
right x*image_width/image_height
up y
light_source {<10, 10, -100> White shadowless}
#macro _CH2RGB (HH)
#local H = mod(HH, 360);
#local H = (H < 0 ? H+360 : H);
#switch (H)
#range (0, 120)
#local R = (120- H) / 60;
#local G = ( H- 0) / 60;
#local B = 0;
#range (120, 240)
#local R = 0;
#local G = (240- H) / 60;
#local B = ( H-120) / 60;
#range (240, 360)
#local R = ( H-240) / 60;
#local G = 0;
#local B = (360- H) / 60;
<min(R,1), min(G,1), min(B,1)>
#macro _CHSV2RGB(Color)
#local HSVFT = color Color;
#local H = (HSVFT.red);
#local S = (HSVFT.green);
#local V = (HSVFT.blue);
#local SatRGB = _CH2RGB(H);
#local RGB = ( ((1-S)*<1,1,1> + S*SatRGB) * V );
#declare Line = 0.1;
#declare Amp = 4;
#declare Amp1 = 10; // X
#declare Amp2 = 5; // X
#declare Amp3 = 10; // Y
#declare Amp4 = 5; // Y
#declare Freq = 1;
#declare Freq1 = 10; // X
#declare Freq2 = 10; // X
#declare Freq3 = 10; // Y
#declare Freq4 = 160; // Y
#declare Phase = 0;
#declare Phase1 = pi/2; // X
#declare Phase2 = pi/3; // X
#declare Phase3 = 0; // Y
#declare Phase4 = pi/6; // Y
#declare Damp = 0.1;
#declare Damp1 = 0.1; // X
#declare Damp2 = 0.1; // X
#declare Damp3 = 0.1; // Y
#declare Damp4 = 0.1; // Y
// From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonograph
// movement of a damped pendulum:
// #declare X = function (T) { Amp*sin(T*Freq+Phase)*pow(e, (-Damp*T)) };
//the motion of a rod connected to the bottom of the pendulum along one axes
will be described by the equation
// #declare X = function (T) { Amp1*sin(T*Freq1+Phase1)*pow(e, (-Damp1*T)) +
Amp2*sin(T*Freq2+Phase2)*pow(e, (-Damp2*T)) };
// A typical harmonograph has two pendulums that move in such a fashion, and a
pen that is moved by two perpendicular rods connected to these pendulums.
// Therefore the path of the harmonograph figure is described by the parametric
//#declare X = function (T) { Amp1*sin(T*Freq1+Phase1)*pow(e, (-Damp1*T)) +
Amp2*sin(T*Freq2+Phase2)*pow(e, (-Damp2*T)) };
//#declare Y = function (T) { Amp3*sin(T*Freq3+Phase3)*pow(e, (-Damp3*T)) +
Amp4*sin(T*Freq4+Phase4)*pow(e, (-Damp4*T)) };
#declare Iterations = 20;
#declare Step = 0.0001;
#for (i, 0, Iterations*2*pi, Step)
#local T = i;
#local X = Amp1*sin(T*Freq1+Phase1)*pow(e, (-Damp1*T)) +
Amp2*sin(T*Freq2+Phase2)*pow(e, (-Damp2*T));
#local Y = Amp3*sin(T*Freq3+Phase3)*pow(e, (-Damp3*T)) +
Amp4*sin(T*Freq4+Phase4)*pow(e, (-Damp4*T));
#local H = (360/Iterations)*i;
#local Color = _CHSV2RGB(<H, 1, 1, 0, 0>);
sphere {
<X, Y, i>, Line
texture {pigment {rgbft Color} finish {specular 0.6} }
#end // end for i
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On Tue, 27 Sep 2016 12:17:18 EDT, "Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscape net> wrote:
>William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
>> Neat! I'd like to see the source code.
>> Bill P.
>I was interested too, and just grabbed some info from Wikipedia and worked out
>something functional.
>My head was not in "function-space" at the time, so I just embedded the formulas
>in the loop.
>I think initially I was going to try to make it an isosurface...
>The HSV to RGB macros are copied into the SDL to keep the parse time down, as I
>haven't had the roundtuits to install 3.71-etc
>I was surprised and delighted to see how closely related these are to Lissajous
>figures, which I was just recently fiddling with. I guess if there's no
>damping, then they are identical things.
>I haven't implemented the moving paper portion of the code yet.
>Now we just need an animated inverse kinematic harmonograph machine to go with
>the output... :D
>I haven't gotten anything near as beautiful as Anthraquinone did - I guess it's
>all in the skill of acquiring a good feel for the oscillation parameters, and
>writing up a nice texture for the trace.
You have a lot of parameters to play with there.
I simplified the code a bit so I could try to understand it and changed the colouring
again for simplicity. It needs to be simple for me to understand
it. I had not seen those macros before. I will have to have a look at them later.
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AQ <AQ### [at] world com> wrote:
> You have a lot of parameters to play with there.
> I simplified the code a bit so I could try to understand it and changed the
colouring again for simplicity. It needs
to be simple for me to understand
> it.
It does seem like a lot of parameters at first, but it's not really a lot to
2 pendulums, each has amplitude, frequency, phase, and dampening.
each one has a second "wiggle" to it - thus there are four sets of 4 parameters.
I didn't even apply the first equation again to simulate the moving paper as
suggested in the Wikipedia article! :) :O
> I had not seen those macros before. I will have to have a look at them later.
I discovered them after trying to follow some of the discussions about different
color spaces, and finally tracked down a thread where their location was
Now that I know that they're there, I find I play with them quite a bit for
scenes requiring lots of color changes.
Thanks for you initial image post - it's still quite inspiring!
> AQ
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