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"Chris R" <car### [at] comcast net> wrote:
> William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> >
> > Only tricky part is figuring out the base character size and spacing.
> > I've not found an easy and reliable way to do that as yet. I got to the
> > above values by trial and error.
> >
> > Used box characters for the rectangular frame using the strings:
> > "┌─────────┐",
> ─────┘" and
> │││││",
> >
> > Bill P.
> If you are using a mono-type font, this worked for me:
> #local _t1 = text { ttf "fontname.ttf" "A" 1.0, 0 }
> #local _t2 = text { ttf "fontname.ttf" "AA" 1.0, 0 }
> #local _t1sz = max_extent(_t1) - min_extent(_t1);
> #local _t2sz = max_extent(_t2) - min_extent(_t2);
> #local _unit_width = (_t2sz - _t1sz).x;
> text { ttf "fontname.ttf" "What the heck?" 1.0, -2*unit_width*x }
> text { ttf "fontname.ttf" "What the heck?" 1.0, <-unit_width, -1, 0> translate
> <0, 14, 0> }
> -- Chris R
I remember this little trick. But I didn't want to be limited to mono-type
fonts so I wrote a macro that cut a string into pieces and place each letter
separately. And promptly forgot about it.
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Op 05/03/2025 om 20:22 schreef Bald Eagle:
> "ingo" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
>> "ingo" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
>>> I.i.r.c. Ron Parker has once posted a macro for "kerning"(?), can't find it any
>>> more.
>> This post references the macro, but still can't find it:
> r%
>> 40fwi.com%3E
>> ingo
> It looks like it might not be on the (current) server anymore.
> Which means that this is either a job for TdG or Chris Cason ...
Could this be it?
Thomas [just waking up from his winter sleep]
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> Could this be it?
Yes, that is the core of the macro(s) Ron posted in p.programming. Thanks.
Lekker geslapen deze winter?
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Op 06/03/2025 om 11:44 schreef ingo:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
>> Could this be it?
> on.parker%40fwi.com%3E
> Yes, that is the core of the macro(s) Ron posted in p.programming. Thanks.
Strangely enough, My search did not show the relevant message(s) in
p.programming. I used "Ron Parker + kerning" In the Search bar of the
povray.org newsgroups...
> Lekker geslapen deze winter?
Ach ja, bedankt! Wel een beetje onrustig... ;-)
> ingo
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Op 06/03/2025 om 13:46 schreef Thomas de Groot:
> Strangely enough, My search did not show the relevant message(s) in
> p.programming. I used "Ron Parker + kerning" In the Search bar of the
> povray.org newsgroups...
...but this seems to be the message:
Go to about the end of the thread.
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> ...but this seems to be the message:
> Go to about the end of the thread.
Thank you, it appears I hallucinated there to be more and Google hates me.
Couldn't find it searching several ways.
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"ingo" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Thank you, it appears I hallucinated there to be more and Google hates me.
> Couldn't find it searching several ways.
Me neither.
Google sucks the big suck.
I even tried searching specifically for "font metric function" and got nothing.
Useless is being generous. Search engines today are worse than useless.
However, persistence wins the day! :)
Welcome back, Thomas.
- BW
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"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> "ingo" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> > Thank you, it appears I hallucinated there to be more and Google hates me.
> > Couldn't find it searching several ways.
> Me neither.
> Google sucks the big suck.
> I even tried searching specifically for "font metric function" and got nothing.
> Useless is being generous. Search engines today are worse than useless.
sort of agree, but perhaps your combined activity has caused Google "to wake up"
:-), typing "ron parker font" in the above 'Search' shows the relevant result,
top of list.
> Welcome back, Thomas.
regards, jr.
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> > Useless is being generous. Search engines today are worse than useless.
> sort of agree, but perhaps your combined activity has caused Google "to wake up"
> :-), typing "ron parker font" in the above 'Search' shows the relevant result,
> top of list.
I just did exactly that, and that thread isn't on my list at all.
3 pages of results, and not one of them is the proper thread.
It has to do with cookies and all of this "tailored search results" BS
Wish I could use Yandex or some of the other ones from this computer.
We need a private search engine for the newsgroups!
- BW
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I did find these though, which may be of related interest.
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