Just the production of this week-end (well, hardly, about sunday
afternoon), in hgpovray38 head.
Purpose was parsing a single scene, yet rendering from multiple cameras
on the normal picture output.
#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#include "scene.inc"
#declare B=camera { blank }
#declare C=camera { right image_width/image_height*1*x up 1*y };
#declare D=camera { right -image_width/image_height*2*x up 2*y };
#declare E=camera { right image_width/image_height*3*x up 3*y };
#declare F=camera { orthographic right image_width/image_height*5*x up
5*y };
#declare G=camera { liner 0.02 0.02 C B };
#declare H=camera { liner 0.02 0.02 D B };
#declare I=camera { liner 0.02 0.02 E B };
#declare J=camera { liner 0.02 0.02 F B };
#declare O=camera { grid <2,2> G I J H };
camera { matte 0.25 0.25 J O}
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