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In my POVEarth main script, I have to compose the name of the terrain
slice mesh2 (for example, n41e043) to be tested against a trace vector
from the integer part of the geographic camera position. I know that
this is not possible by default, but I remember having used a special
include file years ago which facilitates concatenating identifiers.
Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of this include file...
See you in Khyberspace!
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Yadgar wrote:
> ...
> include file years ago which facilitates concatenating identifiers.
do you mean the 'Parse_String()' macro in 'strings.inc'?
regards, jr.
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=?UTF-8?Q?J=c3=b6rg_=22Yadgar=22_Bleimann?= <yaz### [at] gmx de> wrote:
> In my POVEarth main script, I have to compose the name of the terrain
> slice mesh2 (for example, n41e043) to be tested against a trace vector
> from the integer part of the geographic camera position. I know that
> this is not possible by default, but I remember having used a special
> include file years ago which facilitates concatenating identifiers.
> Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of this include file...
Try macro Parse_String() in strings.inc.
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Yadgar wrote:
> > ...
> > include file years ago which facilitates concatenating identifiers.
> do you mean the 'Parse_String()' macro in 'strings.inc'?
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"Cousin Ricky" <rickysttATyahooDOTcom> wrote:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> >
> > Yadgar wrote:
> > > ...
> > > include file years ago which facilitates concatenating identifiers.
> >
> > do you mean the 'Parse_String()' macro in 'strings.inc'?
YIKES! ;-)
regards, jr.
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This Parse_String(...) macro is new to me, so I played around with it, to see
what it could do. It's quite powerful, and opens up a lot of possibilities.
Btw, I like to take small chunks of code (like macros) out of include files and
put them directly into my scenes; this saves a *little* bit of parsing time--
and I can easily refer to them.
Some simple examples of the macro's use. (You can run all of these as a scene,
to see the results on-screen and in the messages pane):
#version 3.8; // or whatever
// the macro
#macro Parse_String(String)
#fopen FOut "parse_string.tmp" write // or "MY_FILE.inc" for example
#fclose FOut
#include "parse_string.tmp" // ditto
// some initial values to work with
#declare S = seed(37);
#declare T = 6 + sqrt(4) + rand(S);
#declare MY_TEXT = concat("Hello"," ", "world!"," ",str(T,0,5)) // ANY kind of
// string
// a text object
ttf "timrom.ttf" // or internal 1
Parse_String("MY_TEXT"),.2,0 // needs the double quotes here, because the
// macro's written file doesn't create those
translate <-4,0,15>
texture{pigment{rgb 1}finish {ambient 1 emission 0 diffuse 0}}
// Using the macro to CREATE a #declare statement. The macro (invisibly)
// inserts the statement #declare ZZ = 4; into the
// scene here-- not as a 'string', but as an actual command with a
// usable 'R-value'
#declare P = "#declare XX = 4;"
Parse_String(P) // using the macro
#declare TEST_1 = XX + 6; // The result is 10 as expected
// to test this final value
#debug concat("\n","TEST_1 = ",str(TEST_1,1,3),"\n")
// and similarly... writing TWO #declare statements on separate lines...
#declare P = concat("#declare XX = 4;","\n","#declare YY = 20;")
#declare TEST_2 = XX + YY; // the result is 24 as expected
// to test this final value
#debug concat("\n","TEST_2 = ",str(TEST_2,1,5),"\n")
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"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> This Parse_String(...) macro is new to me, so I played around with it, to see
> what it could do. It's quite powerful, and opens up a lot of possibilities.
So, due to my addi... affliction, I actually had a dream about this macro -
using it to describe an identifier as well as output its value.
As in #debug concat ("U", " = ", str (U, 0, 0), "\n")
It would be handy to have a simple macro that you could just pass _ U _ to, but
U the text character and U the scalar value are separate and distinct.
So my short dream was about implementing Parse_String to create such a macro...
I think I ran out of dried frog pills.....
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"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscape net> wrote:
> "Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> > This Parse_String(...) ...= ", str (U, 0, 0), "\n")
> It would be handy to have a simple macro that you could just pass _ U _ to, but
> U the text character and U the scalar value are separate and distinct.
> So my short dream was about implementing Parse_String to create such a macro...
> I think I ran out of dried frog pills.....
not quite what you thought of, the "wrong way round"? :-)
Script started on Mon 28 Sep 2020 11:05:25 BST
jr@goose:4:tmp$ c### [at] be pov
#version 3.8;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1}
#include "strings.inc"
#macro Abc(s_)
#debug concat(s_, " = ", str(Parse_String(s_),0,2), "\n")
#declare name_ = "U";
Parse_String(concat("#declare ", name_, " = 123.45;"));
jr@goose:5:tmp$ povparse be.pov
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.8.0-alpha.9945627.unofficial
==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================
U = 123.45
File 'be.pov' line 8: Parse Warning: No objects in scene.
==== [Rendering...] ========================================================
regards, jr.
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On 9/28/20 6:18 AM, jr wrote:
> #include "strings.inc"
> #macro Abc(s_)
> #debug concat(s_, " = ", str(Parse_String(s_),0,2), "\n")
> #end
> #declare name_ = "U";
> Parse_String(concat("#declare ", name_, " = 123.45;"));
> Abc(name_)
Expect most know, but on seeing this thread I added the follow comments
to povr's string.inc file:
// Parse a string you create (i.e., = concat(...)) - while parsing.
// Use carefully. This macro a hack using a file which can collide
// by name across invocations of povray or during multiple
// simultaneous povray commands. Further, in opening and closing a
// file it is also inefficient if done many times. Often it's
// better to use the same "include defined strings for parsing"
// idea by writing many 'to be parsed strings' to a file and then
// include that single file by a name which you know and control.
#macro Parse_String(String)
#fopen FOut "parse_string.tmp" write
#fclose FOut
#include "parse_string.tmp"
Bill P.
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William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> On 9/28/20 6:18 AM, jr wrote:
> > ...
> > Parse_String(concat("#declare ", name_, " = 123.45;"));
> > ...
> Expect most know, but on seeing this thread I added the follow comments
> to povr's string.inc file:
> // Parse a string you create (i.e., = concat(...)) - while parsing.
> // Use carefully. This macro a hack using a file which can collide
> // by name across invocations of povray or during multiple
> // simultaneous povray commands. Further, in opening and closing a
> // file it is also inefficient if done many times. Often it's
> // better to use the same "include defined strings for parsing"
> // idea by writing many 'to be parsed strings' to a file and then
> // include that single file by a name which you know and control.
> ...
wondering whether the recommendation should not follow Kenneth's preference (ie
cut/paste macro in to scene) since it is "self-modifying" code. also thinking,
wrt file name collision(s), perhaps a new version 2 of the macro could (should?)
be added to the POV-Ray/povr distributions, putting the user "in charge". eg:
#macro Parse_String_2(Fname, String)
#fopen FP Fname write
#write(FP, String)
#fclose FP
#include Fname
regards, jr.
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