Le 29/08/2020 à 18:18, Le_Forgeron a écrit :
> To follow the discussion in p.b.programming (Re: An updated povr tarball
> for Unix/Linux. f6b1c13e),
> first attempt at having a warp to make an hyperbolic projection (the
> poincaré disc)
> It probably needs more controls as so far: the disc is at origin, unit
> radius, in the x-y plane.
> I believe it needs:
> * to be moveable
> * to be sizeable
> * to be orientable
> And maybe, it needs also to be able to be cut before reaching the
> radius. And have a scaling factor between inside & outside. And maybe
> also some rotation (along the axis above) ?
I give up on moveable, orientable and rotation: there is already a warp
for that.
I did not find a suitable term to specify a cut before the horizon either.
so it resumes to :
warp{ disc [radius FLOAT] [scale FLOAT] }
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