This is *not* a bug report, but a heads up. In POV-Ray 3.7, if you set
reflection and Fresnel on in a #default statement, then later reset the
#default reflection to zero, you could get away with not turning off
Fresnel. POV-Ray 3.8 won't forgive you for that.
The following scene illustrates such a situation. Image
reflection38-by37.jpg was rendered with POV 3.7.0 and
reflection38-by38.jpg was rendered with POV 3.8.0-alpha.10064268. In
each image, the sphere on the left was instantiated after just
reflection { 0 }, and the sphere on the right was instantiated after
reflection { 0 fresnel off }.
--------------------[BEGIN CODE]--------------------
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 max_trace_level 10 }
{ location <0, 1.5, -10>
look_at y
angle 30
{ <-1, 2, -1> * 10000, rgb <1.2, 1.0, 0.9>
parallel point_at 0
{ pigment
{ gradient y
color_map { [0 rgb <0.15, 0.3, 0.6>] [1 rgb <0.05, 0.1, 0.2>] }
#default // for wood texture only
{ finish
{ reflection { 0 0.2 fresnel } conserve_energy
ambient rgb <0.1, 0.2, 0.4>
#include "colors.inc"
#include "woods.inc"
{ y, 0
texture { T_Wood12 }
interior { ior 1.47 }
#macro GoldSphere()
{ y, 1
pigment { rgb <0.97, 0.74, 0.33> }
{ reflection { 1 metallic }
diffuse 0
ambient 0
specular albedo 1 metallic
roughness 0.0001
// Reset the default reflection (sufficient for POV 3.7):
#default { finish { reflection { 0 } } }
object { GoldSphere() translate -1.2 * x }
// Reset the default reflection (necessary for POV 3.8):
#default { finish { reflection { 0 fresnel off } } }
object { GoldSphere() translate 1.2 * x }
---------------------[END CODE]---------------------
OS: openSUSE Leap 15.0 (GNU/Linux)
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