I thought I posted it before but don't see it. Strange. Well, here again.
Look at the horizon: a distant haze makes the horizon line less visible.
I wonder how to accomplish this. I had no success with Fog 1 and Fog 2.
For now, I have to use a graphic program but would prefer that POV-Ray
can do this job. I wonder, if a media-filled very vast torus can do the
thing. I however have still problems to handle media.
How would you accomplish such a distant horizon haze?
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Am 31.03.2018 um 17:26 schrieb Sven Littkowski:
> I thought I posted it before but don't see it. Strange. Well, here again.
> Look at the horizon: a distant haze makes the horizon line less visible.
> I wonder how to accomplish this. I had no success with Fog 1 and Fog 2.
> For now, I have to use a graphic program but would prefer that POV-Ray
> can do this job. I wonder, if a media-filled very vast torus can do the
> thing. I however have still problems to handle media.
> How would you accomplish such a distant horizon haze?
For the sake of realism, the media container shoulnd't be a torus, but
rather a vast cylinder (large enough that the image doesn't change when
you enlarge it even further, but not infinitely large because that leads
to artefacts).
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Sven Littkowski <I### [at] SvenLittkowski name> wrote:
> I thought I posted it before but don't see it. Strange. Well, here again.
> Look at the horizon: a distant haze makes the horizon line less visible.
> I wonder how to accomplish this. I had no success with Fog 1 and Fog 2.
> For now, I have to use a graphic program but would prefer that POV-Ray
> can do this job. I wonder, if a media-filled very vast torus can do the
> thing. I however have still problems to handle media.
> How would you accomplish such a distant horizon haze?
> ---
> Diese E-Mail wurde von AVG auf Viren geprüft.
> http://www.avg.com
Hi Sven, here is how I have done this:
sky_sphere { pigment { rgb (<91,113,171>*0.1)/255 } }
light_source {
<1000000, 1000000, 1000>
rgb 1
point_at <0.1, 0.1, 0.1>
fog { rgb (<91,113,171>*1.3)/255 fog_type 2 distance 30000 fog_alt 1000 }
fog { rgb <91,113,171>/255 fog_type 1 distance 30000 }
#macro SkyShell(minAlt, maxAlt, Int)
sphere {<0, 0, 0> 1000000+maxAlt}
sphere {<0, 0, 0> 1000000+minAlt}
texture {pigment {color rgbf 1}}
interior {Int}
translate <0, -1000000, 0>
SkyShell(12000, 14000,
interior {
media {
method 3
samples 2
intervals 1
scattering {4, color rgb < 0.25, 0.6, 0.9>*0.0001 extinction 1}
You end up with a media dome. I think I nicked the idea from either Gilles Trans
or Jaime Vives Picquere, though the original used the difference between two
planes. I found nested spheres more suited to my needs.
You can see the finished effect here:
and here:
Is this what you were after?
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